Check out something different for your summer home theater as Rachel, Kevin and Leah offer you our foreign language movie favorites. Starring Rachel Appelbaum, Kevin Taft and Leah Aldridge. Directed by Sean Wright. Edited by Zack Delman. Sound Design by Aaron Fink and Nick Issacs. Produced by David Freedman, Cooper Griggs, Aaron Fink, Pedro Lemos, Amy Taylor and Devin Law. Rififi ==== Four men plan a technically perfect crime, but the human element intervenes… Starring Jean Servais, Carl Möhner, Robert Manuel, Jules Dassin, Magali Noël. Directed by Jules Dassin. Written by Auguste le Breton (Novel), Jules Dassin, and René Wheeler. Produced by Henri Bérard, Pierre Cabaud, René Bézard. Like Water For Chocolate ==================== Pedro and Tita, cannot marry because Tita's mother wanted her oldest daughter to get married first, and have Tita to stay and take care of her – but their love overcomes the odds. Starring Marco Leonardi, Lumi Cavazos, Regina Torné, Mario Iván Martínez. Directed by Alfonso Arau. Written by Laura Esquivel. Produced by Alfonso Arau. Requiem ======= An epileptic girl suffers a breakdown during her first year at university. Believing she might be possessed, she decides to seek help from a priest in battling the troubles associated with her strict upbringing. Together, they try to banish her demons. Starring Sandra Huller, Burghart Klaußner, and Imogen Kogge. Directed by Hans-Christian Schmid. Written by Bernd Lange. Produced by Hans-Christian Schmid.