Did anybody else do a double-take when they saw Brie Bella’s wardrobe malfunction on Monday night? Go ahead, click the link. I won’t judge.
So I was thinking about what I could write about this week that could:
A) Differentiate my work from others.
B) Require the smallest amount of effort on my part.
C) Put the pressure on all of you to make next week’s column even better.
Lo and behold, I figured it out. I’m gonna throw out five questions/scenarios and ask you, the puppet reader, to write me a good old-fashioned response. You can e-mail me, courtesy of that link at the bottom of the page in my bio, or put your response in the comments below, as per the norm. The only way this is going to work is if you take part in the discussion like never before.
Think of it as a cheap knock-off of Interinactivity, just without the blatant pleas from Blair to have people comment on his garbage intense hatred Blair tends to inspire in the meekest of people. You can choose to answer one query or as many as you’d like, and in no way will I bitterly regret all the cutting and pasting I’ll have to look forward to if this goes off without a hitch. Next week I’ll post your responses and maybe even comment on them myself. Exciting, yes?
Scenario 1:
For a period of one month, John Cena, Randy Orton, Daniel Bryan, and CM Punk are all out of action for various unrelated reasons. You have four weeks of TV and a PPV to prepare for. You can use ANY contracted talent besides the aforementioned four and your goal is to put on the best show possible while also giving other talent a chance to shine. What do you do?
Scenario 2:
Triple H tells you that Money in the Bank will take place at Wrestlemania next year instead of at its own PPV and there will only be one ladder match, with the winner getting a shot at whichever title he chooses. Pick six WWE Superstars you feel are most deserving of the opportunity and explain why. Also, pick a winner.
Scenario 3:
Who would be the participants in the ultimate Royal Rumble? You can use 30 wrestlers of the past and present, but they MUST have worked for the WWE at some point.
Scenario 4:
How would you fix the Tag Team Division? You can utilize wrestlers from ROH, TNA, or other companies for this one.
Scenario 5:
How would you improve TNA’s financial situation? You can hire/fire wrestlers and also think about marketing concerns.
Think long and hard (giggity) about your responses before sending them my way. Also, try to edit your writing so I don’t have to; it just makes things easier for me AND makes you sound more intelligent at the same time. Win/win!
So long, and thanks for all the fish.