Welcome to InsideFights.com’s live coverage of UFC On FOX 8 headlined by Demetrious Johnson defending the UFC Flyweight Championship against John Moraga. I’m Ryan Frederick and I’ll be covering tonight’s event which comes from the Key Arena in Seattle, Washington. Stay tuned for live play-by-play coverage of the night’s preliminary card on Facebook. Don’t go anywhere, though, as we will also have full coverage of the FX prelims and the main card on FOX. Enjoy the fights everyone.
John Albert vs. Yaotzin Meza
Referee: Randy Corley
ROUND 1- Randy Corley gets us started with the night’s opening bout. Albert missed weight for this bout. They touch gloves to start and both deliver leg kicks right off the bat. Albert misses on a right hand and Meza turns it into a takedown. Meza is on top in the guard of Albert. Albert looking to transition as Meza lands some punches from the top. Albert then looks to lock in a triangle choke but can’t get his legs around. Meza gets to his feet and Albert gets up and Meza has Albert in a guillotine choke but Albert escapes and gets into side control. Albert with an elbow to the body of Meza. Albert looks to improve position and Meza is looking to escape. Albert moves to transition into an armbar but Meza is blocking it. Albert gets his legs around Meza’s body and is finding that arm. Meza rolls but Albert still has his arm and is looking to extend it. Albert has Meza right in front of his corner. Meza is defending the armbar but Albert is still after it. Meza escapes and he has the back of Albert. Albert rolls into half-guard but Meza is on top. Meza is landing some punches from the top. Both look to improve position. Meza goes for another guillotine choke and has it in the mount position. Meza has it in tight. Albert separates the hands and escapes into top position as the round ends. Good close round. 10-9 Meza.
ROUND 2- Meza buckles Albert with a leg kick to start and Albert went off-balance. Meza goes for a takedown but Albert reverses it into a guillotine choke. Meza moves but Albert locks in a triangle choke. Albert does not have it in fully and Meza is looking to escape. Albert moves it into a better position. Meza is trying to block it on his feet but falls down and Albert has it in a little bit deeper as he adjusts. Albert has it in deep but Meza is surviving. Meza escapes and Albert is very exhausted. Meza moves into getting Albert in a rear-naked choke. Meza has the back but can’t get it in. Meza moves into full back mount as he has Albert flattened out. Meza locks in a rear-naked choke and Meza forces Albert to tap out due to the choke. First UFC win for Meza.
Official Result: Yaotzin Meza def. John Albert by submission (rear-naked choke) at 2:49 of Round 2
Aaron Riley vs. Justin Salas
Referee: Randy Corley
ROUND 1- Our final preliminary bout on Facebook is overseen by Randy Corley. Riley hasn’t fought in 22 months while Salas hasn’t fought in over 13 months. Both men come out as southpaws. Both exchange left hands to start their attacks. Both men land inside leg kicks and Salas has swelling under his right eye following a punch. Both men circle and Riley lands a leg kick. Salas lands a nice combination. Salas is moving all over the Octagon as his eye is giving him trouble. Salas gets a takedown but Riley is able to get right back to his feet. Salas lands a knee as Riley gets his way up. Salas with a head kick. Salas lands a big kick and it stalls Riley for a moment. Both men exchange and Salas lands a kick to the body. Salas lands a short right hook as Riley comes in. Riley then follows with a nice combination. Riley misses a kick. Salas with another takedown but Riley gets right back up yet again. Riley looks to use feints to throw Salas off balance. Salas lands a head kick. Riley misses a kick to the body as Salas circles away. Riley is bleeding from around his left eye. Salas looks for a takedown but can’t get it. Salas barely lands a flying knee but follows with a front kick. As ten seconds to go hits both land punches. Close round. 10-9 Salas.
ROUND 2- Both men come out fast and Salas gets a takedown. Riley gets back up and Salas lands a high kick. Both exchange hands and Salas misses on a takedown. Both land nice left hands. Salas gets Riley pinned against the cage and lands a knee as they break. Riley lands a high kick. Riley lands a kick as both are circling. Salas lands a big right hand. Salas pushes Riley against the cage and lands some knees. Both land knees as they break the clinch against the cage. Both men are bleeding. Riley lands a kick and Salas turns it into a brief takedown. Riley gets back up and is bleeding heavily. Riley is beginning to tire. Salas lands a knee followed by a right hand. Salas lands a kick but Riley grabs his leg and trips him to the ground. Salas gets back up and they trade punches once again. Salas misses a right elbow. Riley pushes forward with a combination that barely misses. Riley misses a front kick. Salas lands some hands but Riley counters with a leg kick. Salas lands a high kick. Salas switches stances and lands a leg kick. Salas lands a nice combo on Riley. Salas with a high kick as the round comes to an end. 10-9 Salas. 20-18 Salas.
ROUND 3- They touch gloves to start the final round. Riley using feints as he looks to find an opening on Salas. Riley lands a combo but Salas follows with a bigger combo. Riley misses a kick/spinning back fist combo. Salas goes for a takedown but Riley spins out though Salas lands a kick on the end. Riley with a leg kick. Riley lands a right hand. Salas lands some short punches. Salas blocks a kick from Riley and Riley misses a left. Salas answers with a big right hand. Salas lands a head kick on Riley. Riley with a body kick followed by a leg kick. Salas circles and misses a Superman punch. Riley misses with two right hands. Both miss on striking attacks. Riley gets poked in the eye and there is a break in the action. Back to action but Riley is still having issues. Riley forces Salas to stumble with a leg kick. Both land high kicks. Riley is bringing the pressure as he is likely losing this fight. Riley lands some inside leg kicks. Salas goes for a takedown and lands a head kick as they break. Salas is countering Riley’s attacks with good footwork. Riley lands a big head kick and Salas is busted open pretty good. Riley misses another head kick and Salas goes for a takedown but Riley defends it. The crowd goes nuts as the fight comes to a near end. Salas lands a right hand and they brawl to end the fight. Close round again and close fight overall. 10-9 Riley. 29-28 Salas.
Official Result: Justin Salas def. Aaron Riley by split decision (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)