Quick Note About News Articles


From time to time, I’m sure you’ve noticed that CB or myself will post a comment or analysis at the end of a news item we have posted. I just wanted to clarify that the opinions expressed in that section of a particular news article are purely editorial and do not in any way shape or form represent the thoughts of other Pulse writers or editorialize the news item itself.

We pride ourselves at reporting the news in an unbiased manner and absolutely refuse to “copy and paste” other articles or misrepresent any opinion as fact. That is why our opinions are separated from the story itself and are highlighted in a different manner.

Thanks for reading this and I hope it clears up how we report the daily news here on Inside Pulse.

-Matthew Harrak
Senior Editor/Featured Writer

Follow Matthew on Twitter @HTCHarrak Visit his site at HTCwrestling.com Email him at MHPulse@4sternstaging.com Become a fan on Facebook