Just Seen It TV Show Reviews: Super Fun Night and Masters of Sex [Video]

Aaron, Brenna, and Salim discuss two newest in the TV Fall line-up, ABC's charming Super Fun Night, and Showtime's sensual Masters of Sex. Staring Aaron Fink, Brenna Smith, and Salim Lemelle. Directed by Amy Taylor. Edited by Justin Anderson. Sound Design by Aaron Fink, Nick Isaacs, and Larrisa Schiavo. Produced by David Freedman, Cooper Griggs, Aaron Fink, Pedro Raposo, Devin Law, and Amy Taylor. We continue our look at the fall TV season with ABC's comedy SUPER FUN NIGHT starring Rebel Wilson…and Showtime's MASTERS OF SEX that dramatizes the pioneers of human sexuality, starring Michael Sheen and Lizzy Caplan.

Just Seen It is the review show where Industry professionals review the newest in theaters, on TV and cable and offer Hollywood insider interviews.


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