How Well-Known / Recognizable is Hulk Hogan in America?


The following tidbits about Hulk Hogan came across our Pulse Wrestling desk and we thought they were pretty interesting to note, courtesy of Celebrity DBI:

“Hulk Hogan has a 96% awareness among a general population in the US. This is one of the highest awareness levels of any athlete/celebrity in the US.
Michael Jordan (98%); George Forman (96%); Lance Armstrong (96%). For additional context, Kobe has a 91% awareness, Peyton Manning 88%. Sylvester Stallone and Clint Eastwood also have 96% awareness in the US.

–He has become more Trustworthy since 2008

–Of the 96% of people that know Hulk, 56% think he’s an effective product spokesperson.

–He’s considered as appealing as Kobe Bryant and Tony Romo.”

CB is an Editor for Pulse Wrestling and an original member of the Inside Pulse writing team covering the spectrum of pop culture including pro wrestling, sports, movies, music, radio and television.