1. I like the IDEA of The Ascension. I just don’t care for their execution. They seem to only wrestle Jobbers…I have to wonder why. They’re the longest reigning champs because there haven’t been any other teams. I hope that’s about to change. And…now I know why they don’t talk a lot.
2. Regal is the General Manager. Which means no one is going to reign in Renee Young’s commentary. Oy.
3. I refuse to make a domestic violence joke about Tyson Kidd’s hoodie. I have class, Dammit.
4. I…agree with Breeze about a couple of things tonight. I’m shocked. Natty for Champ!
5. I don’t get Sami Zayne’s appeal. He’s kind of dull. He’s not bad in the ring. He just isn’t the kind of character I get excited about.
6. I don’t get Bayley either. She’s even duller than Zayne, and people love her for some reason.
7. Have I seen Sasha win a match…? I honestly can’t remember. I’ve watched her come down to the ring with Charlotte and pose a lot.
8. Has “Cena sucks!” become a mandatory chant at all wrestling shows? I hope so. Because I’m digging the “Let’s go Bayley!” “Cena sucks!” version…
9. Charlotte is not a queen.
10. Its my “who are these idiots?” Match: Dempsey v. Dawkins. At least I might remember Dawkins after tonight? Even if I refer to him as Urkel. I actually thought Dempsey was Bray Wyatt at first…and then realized his facial hair was way too neat.
But that’s not all, here are five BONUS thoughts!
11. I am disappointed in the main event. I can’t picture the teams of Zayne/Neville and Breeze/Kidd actually working. Its going to descend into a preview of the Takeover match. It’s sad that I can predict that before they even get to the ring.
12. Tyler Breeze’s boots are distracting.
13. The commentary has been pleasantly bland. I don’t miss Renee when she’s gone.
14. This show was severely lacking in Kallisto.
15. Oh good. Tyson Kidd won a match. Crap, now he’s going to think he’s good. At least it means he won’t win at Takeover since this is WWE booking.