2 Broke Girls Spoilers: Caroline & Max To Go Into Debt In Season 4 After New Cupcake Venture Crashes & Burns


Just like times are always changing, so too are cupcakes.

With Crumbs having closed all its locations in July, on 2 Broke Girls, Caroline and Max will see that there is a “serial killer coming after cupcakes” according to showrunner Michael Patrick King.

“The girls are going to see that they need to evolve their business, and they’ll even go into a different wing of cupcakes,” he told TVLine.com.

Apparently while things go well to start, the girls fall on hard times.

“They’re gonna take a big, big hit this year,” King promises. “For the first time, like all entrepreneurs, they’re going to go into debt. You’re going to see that end-of-episode total go below zero.”