On Monday, Wanderlei Silva posted a congratulatory message to PRIDE FC on the company’s 17th birthday.
He also said that “the great promotions will be back” and “the monopoly will be over,” in a probable reference to UFC. The fighter referenced a comeback after his recent retirement announcement, even though he was given a lifetime ban from the sport by the Nevada State Athletic Commission.
He said:
“The best of all time! Soon enough the great promotions will be back to bring back the glamour and the respect to the sport. I’ll come back with amazing news, you will love it. The monopoly is coming to an end.”
The entire post can be seen here:
The Best all time!!! Logo logo os grandes eventos estaram de volta vamos trazer o glamour e o respeito novamete aos eventos! Já já vou ter novidades incríveis vcs vai adorar!! O monopolio esta chegando ao fim