In an announcement that many saw coming, Bachelorette producers confirmed that the new season of the show will start with both Britt and Kaitlyn competing for the lead role.
In a recent interview with, Chris Harrison opened up about how the new season will work and why Britt was booed last night by the live audience.
On when the decision was made to have both Britt & Kaitlyn as The Bachelorette…
This could’ve changed yesterday. It was a down-to-the-wire, heated debate, and Becca was a part of the debate too. But we all came to the realization that it made no sense. This girl is not ready to take charge and be the Bachelorette. You have to be clear about what you want and even if you’re really ready, it’s a tough, grueling task emotionally. So it came down to Britt and Kaitlyn, and I still stand by that. On my Twitter feed, I get absolute avid fans for both. They both have rabid fans, but it’s almost mean out there. The responses today have been just that. Some are happy, but I’m not sure what is so polarizing about these girls that’s driving everybody crazy — which makes me realize we made the right choice.
On why Britt was booed…
I totally did. This is what’s funny. Obviously people saw spoilers that Kaitlyn was the Bachelorette, so their thinking was that I’m setting them up to cheer for Kaitlyn. But everybody was wrong. When we say we hadn’t made a decision even though we had talked to them, we really hadn’t. So because everybody assumed it was Kaitlyn, they cheered a little more knowing she was backstage. I think the fake spoilers set up that moment. But I definitely heard a couple of boos and I loved it. I was laughing.
On whether Britt or Kaitlyn will be eliminated at the end of first episode…
I think by Night 1, we’re going to knock it down to one Bachelorette. That seems to be the consensus. We have discussed other versions and we haven’t filmed it, so until we do, I can’t guarantee it. But the overwhelming consensus seems to be that Night 1, we’ll go forward with one Bachelorette. And who that’ll be, I really don’t know.