Jim Ross checked in with a weekend blog, here are your highlights:
on Impact Wrestling
Thought Impact Wrestling Friday night was one of their best TV shows in a good while and arguably the best wrestling show of the TV week. If TNA simply keeps their talk managed and succinct while focusing on what their talents do best and that’s wrestle they are going to be line over the long haul IMO. It’s not that their talents can’t promo but today’s audiences generally don’t want to have to listen to the ‘never ending promos’ that are over scripted and over thought. Kudos to Rockstar Spud & EC3 on a compelling performance.
on Roman Reigns
I think fans should give Roman Reigns an opportunity to prove himself on the big stage at WrestleMania vs. Brock Lesnar. Wouldn’t shock me to see Lesnar win the match even though Reigns is the favorite because of the unknown status of Lesnar’s WWE contractual arrangement.
on What Now?
The premier of the hilarious film What Now? that we attended Tuesday evening in LA was a huge success and the film will be available on VOD on all major cable systems on April 3. It has a ton of subtle an not so subtle pro wrestling references in it that I think fans will enjoy. Plus, DDP Jake the Snake Roberts, XPac and yours truly all are in it. I hope that you will support our efforts and watch it when it becomes available. It’s about four, life long wrestling fans who become engaged in social media/online dating and the misadventures that ensue.
Check out the full blog at JR’s BBQ