It looks like the new Batman Beyond, that will launch a new ongoing series post-Convergence, debuts in this week’s New 52 Futures End #47 from DC Comics.
Spoilers below.
Since the seeming death of original Batman Beyond Terry McGinnis in last week’s New 52 Futures End #46, a new Batman Beyond is needed.
The cover to New 52 Futures End #47 suggests that the new Batman Beyond debuts. And, the teaser released earlier points to an adult Tim Drake; formerly Red Robin of Teen Titans and Batman fame.
In the spoilers-filled interior-pages preview for New 52 Futures End #47, we do in fact see the new Batman Beyond debut.
And, Batman calls him “Tim” as in Tim Drake.
However, if you are a fan of the Batman Beyond TV show and its continuity, Terry McGinnis as Batman Beyond and his world is on Earth 12 according to Grant Morrison’s Multiversity Guidebook.
Thanks for reading. All feedback welcome.