Daniel Bryan spoke out in a new interview promoting WrestleMania. Here are some good parts, and the video is below:
On if he feels extra pressure at WrestleMania
I didn’t feel a lot of pressure last year. I feel a lot this year because we want to steal the show. We want to go out there and be the match everybody remembers. And that’s hard when you’re at WrestleMania and you’re not the main event.
On whether he expected the fan reaction from the Royal Rumble
I knew this year. I knew going in – but you take your marching orders and you go out there, and you hope they know what’s best for the company. It’s turned out OK I guess.
On if he’s healthy enough for a ladder match
I don’t necessarily wrestle safe. I’m not like ‘OK I got my neck hurt, so I’m just gonna put somebody in a hammer lock.’ I like pushing it to the limit a little bit. I actually got in trouble two times in the last couple weeks, when I was wrestling Luke Harper and ended up getting suplexed on my head. But I’m constantly testing my neck. My neck is OK, but is it OK in a ladder match? We’ll find out on Sunday.
On whether his health has hurt his push
I don’t know. I think that’s less of an issue than they’re concerned about Daniel Bryan being the WWE World Heavyweight Champion because he’s not very marketable [laughs]. So I’ve realized that’s more of their concern than the injury thing. I’ve had multiple people in the high levels of WWE say, “Hey, listen, you need to stop doing some of these things that you do.’ They have legitimate concerns over my healthy and wellbeing, which is nice, but also I feel like I consider myself an artist and I like to go out there and create art the way I like to create art.