Secret Wars 2015: C2E2 Reveals Three More Titles, Including An Avengers / X-Men One, Increasing Marvel Comics Tie-Ins to 55!


So far, Marvel Comics has announced 52 tie-in mini-series or one-shots for Secret Wars 2015 for June and July 2015 along with the cancellation of 33 series.

With that, Marvel Comics has reached its “New 52” Secret Wars tie-in mark which may be a poke in DC Comics eyes since since DC won’t being using that branding after Convergence anyway. ;)

However, at and alongside C2E2 this past weekend, Marvel Comics announced a further 3 tie-ins raising the total number to 55,

Before we get to those two new titles, here are Marvel’s New 52 Secret Wars 2015 announcements so far:

We’re also still waiting on Marvel Comics’ Ultraverse and CrossGen Secret Wars 2015 tie-in news. No happy ending with that? :(

Anyhow, at and alongside C2E2 2015, Marvel Comics announced three (3) more, a mini-series and a one-shot, which brings us to 54 Secret Wars 2015 on top of the core event mini-series. These new books, that appear to start shipping in August 2015, are:

  • A Marvel Universe spanning Secret Love an anthology series editted by Emily Shaw.
  • An Avengers / X-Men title in Ant-Man (with Phoenix?) written by Nick Spencer with art by Ramon Rosanas.
  • Howard, duck no more, in Howard The Human written by Skottie Young with art by Jim Mahfood.

Secret Wars 2015 Secret Love Secret Wars 2015 Ant-Man Howard the Human Secret Wars 2015

More teaser art has also been released by Marvel for Secret Wars 2015’s Secret Love anthology.

Secret Love Secret Wars 2015 A Secret Love Secret Wars 2015 B Secret Love Secret Wars 2015 C

With Marvel Comics’ formal July and August 2015 solicitations, will Secret Wars 2015 go beyond 54 tie-ins?

Thanks for reading. All feedback welcome.

John is a long-time pop culture fan, comics historian, and blogger. He is currently the Editor-in-Chief at Comics Nexus. Prior to being EIC he has produced several column series including DEMYTHIFY, NEAR MINT MEMORIES and the ONE FAN'S TRIALS at the Nexus plus a stint at Bleeding Cool producing the COMICS REALISM column. As BabosScribe, John is active on his twitter account, his facebook page, his instagram feed and welcomes any and all feedback. Bring it on!