Big Brother 17 Live Feed Spoilers: Daily Recap 07.28.2015

News, Spoilers

Here’s a recap of everything important that went down in the Big Brother House from 8:00 AM BBT on July 28th, all the way through 8:00 AM July 29th.

WARNING: Spoilers below (duh).

Houseguests get up for the day. Vanessa gets her HOH camera, and houseguests play with that for a number of hours.

Meg tells Jackie she wants to get Shelli and Clay up, and that she’d rather lose then play safe.

Meeting between Jason, James, Jackie, and Meg. They are all going to play hard for the next HOH. Meg and Jason think this is a boring season now.

Clay tells Vanessa he thinks John is on their side, not Becky’s, and that he tells them lots of information.

Shelli and Vanessa think their underestimating Becky, and she needs to go soon, but not before Jackie. They both agree the are pretty happy with how Steve joining the group worked out.

Pretty boring day, but make sure to check back for more live feed recaps here on Inside Pulse.