Big Brother 17 Live Feed Spoilers: Daily Recap 09.01.2015

News, Spoilers


Here’s a recap of everything important that went down in the Big Brother House from 8:00 PM BBT on August 31st, all the way through 8:00 PM September 1st.

WARNING: Spoilers below (duh).

Big Brother give the houseguests some alcohol for the night.

Austin and Liz discuss house politics post Meg, think that Julia will take Meg’s place as go-to pawn.

Meg and James come up with a presentation for Austin to vote out Julia and blame it on Steve. Tell him that he’ll be up if he doesn’t do it.

Big Brother calls an early indoor lockdown, hinting to Vanessa that Thursday is a Double Eviction.

Who do you think will leave the BB house this week? Vote now:

[poll id=215]

Be sure to check back for more Big Brother recaps here on Inside Pulse.