Tonight it’s NXT Takeover; RESPECT, live from Full Sail U, and your very own Pulse Wrestling Goddesses, Brittney Soban and Penny Marie Sautereau hooked up on Facebook to watch the event together and run their own commentary. We join our heroines as the Rhodes Family unveils the trophy for the Dusty Classic on the Pre-Show!
Penny Marie Sautereau
That trophy is ugly, glittery, gaudy and loud. Dusty would ADORE it.
Brittney Soban
Bahhaha oh my goodness you’re right
Brittney Soban
That made my night
Penny Marie Sautereau
(We missed chatting during the Finn/Joe opener because we were otherwise distracted).
Rhyno/Corbin Vs. JJ & Gable
Penny Marie Sautereau
OMFG the crowd is chanting Gable’s name to Kurt Angle’s old WWE theme!
Brittney Soban
Omg you’re right! I have pretty crappy hearing but you’re right!
Penny Marie Sautereau
It took me a second to peg the tune but yes.
Brittney Soban
I’m still not sure who will win this one/ the entire tournament
Penny Marie Sautereau
My picks might change after this. I picked Rhyno/Corbin even though I want JJ/Gable to win, but now I think JJ/Gable CAN go over here
Brittney Soban
Penny Marie Sautereau
Brittney Soban
Wow, I expected JJ & Gable to win
Penny Marie Sautereau
Me too, but I still called it
Brittney Soban
Penny Marie Sautereau
Brittney Soban
Dana just bugs me
Penny Marie Sautereau
Part of me kinda wants Dana to botch something so Asuka will shoot the bloody hell out of her
Brittney Soban
Yes to that
Penny Marie Sautereau
Loving this entrance
Brittney Soban
She’s just so badass I can’t take it
Penny Marie Sautereau
Loving also that they didn’t give her token Japanese sounding music
Brittney Soban
I love the music too
Penny Marie Sautereau
I am fucking loving this
Brittney Soban
Right there with you. This is great
Penny Marie Sautereau
Brittney Soban
Penny Marie Sautereau
Brittney Soban
Haha yes! So much yes!
Penny Marie Sautereau
Licking her lips like she just ate a steak
Brittney Soban
It’s the smirk that makes it better
Penny Marie Sautereau
Tyler Breeze Vs Apollo Crews
Brittney Soban
My dogs invaded my room and I’ve spent the majority of this match dealing with my dogs trying to hog my bed and lick my face off
Penny Marie Sautereau
Brittney Soban
Did I miss any good spots?
Penny Marie Sautereau
Brittney Soban
Penny Marie Sautereau
You can catch it on the replay
Brittney Soban
The joys of technology
Penny Marie Sautereau
Brittney Soban
Funaki, Smackdown! Number 1 Announcer!
Penny Marie Sautereau
Brittney Soban
Ha-ha even better
So what is your prediction for this match?
Dusty Class Final
Finn/Joe Vs Rhyno/Corbin
Penny Marie Sautereau
I predicted Finn/Joe in the Roundtable, but after the end of that first match, I’m worried the split/turn rumours may be true and it’ll sadly go to Dead Heat and the Rhynosaur.
Brittney Soban
I don’t want the rumors to be true either but it looks that way
Penny Marie Sautereau
I don’t think Joe OR Finn will turn heel. They’re both too over. They’ll just have a falling out
Brittney Soban
I hope you’re right. Falling out I can take but a turn on top of it might be too far
Penny Marie Sautereau
Turn would fail
Brittney Soban
Penny Marie Sautereau
Vince would try a heel turn here on Raw but Tripsy is smarter than that.
Brittney Soban
Thankfully yes he is
Penny Marie Sautereau
The longer this match goes, the more it looks like they’re going to let Corbin/Rhyno go over
Brittney Soban
Penny Marie Sautereau
Hopefully they surprise me
Brittney Soban
The longer Finn is punished the worse it looks
Penny Marie Sautereau
I have videos of his demon entrances saved on my pc
Brittney Soban
I’m jealous
Penny Marie Sautereau
Why? They’re easy enough to get
Brittney Soban
I thought you meant live recordings
Penny Marie Sautereau
No, just video of the entrances from the takeover shows
Brittney Soban
Penny Marie Sautereau
I’m five for five
Brittney Soban
You’re on a roll
Penny Marie Sautereau
Oh ouch, Finn has a mouth bleed
Rhodes Family Presents Trophy to Finn and Joe
Brittney Soban
Aww yay the trophy
Penny Marie Sautereau
Must have taken a stiff shot
Brittney Soban
Must have
Penny Marie Sautereau
Damned onion ninjas
Brittney Soban
Penny Marie Sautereau
Aaaaaand I’m dead
Brittney Soban
Done. Crying. Onion is in my eyes
Penny Marie Sautereau
That was beautiful
Brittney Soban
Penny Marie Sautereau
I am SOOOO glad they didn’t pull the usual “bitter losers destroy the trophy” schtick
Brittney Soban
Omg. The outrage would’ve melted the arena
Penny Marie Sautereau
Full Sail would have rioted
Brittney Soban
Most likely
Penny Marie Sautereau
Again, Vince would have on Raw. But Tripsy is smarter
Brittney Soban
I don’t think Vince would’ve destroyed it. He may not be smart but he’s not terrible.
Penny Marie Sautereau
So, think I’m going to get a perfect score tonight?
Brittney Soban
I like to believe he wouldn’t disrespect Dusty. I’d probably be wrong. But still *small ray if hope*
Penny Marie Sautereau
No one can EVER tell me he’s not terrible
Brittney Soban
Penny Marie Sautereau
I desperately want Vince to step down
Brittney Soban
I do too
Penny Marie Sautereau
He’s out of touch and his booking decisions are visibly hurting the product.
Brittney Soban
I was just talking to my dad about that before the show started
Penny Marie Sautereau
Vince is The Thing That Wouldn’t Die.
Brittney Soban
I said sadly, yes he is. Explained NXT to my dad. He was like well Vince should retire
Brittney Soban
Penny Marie Sautereau
And so they do. They damn well do deserve this.
Brittney Soban
So many times yes. This is why I’m a fan
Penny Marie Sautereau
This is why I became a fan all over again.
Brittney Soban
Same. I was in and out as far as interest goes over the last few years. This got me back
Penny Marie Sautereau
Bailey’s ring gear is giving me a Donna Troy vibe
Brittney Soban
I can see that
Penny Marie Sautereau
*winces at that neck landing*
Brittney Soban
Yeah. My shoulder hurts looking at that
Penny Marie Sautereau
This is getting brutally stiff. They’re not holding back
Brittney Soban
Yeah. Free reign was given to them on this one
Penny Marie Sautereau
Brittney Soban
Holy crap
Penny Marie Sautereau
And yet Blair and Swayze can’t understand why I get ECW feels watching this
Brittney Soban
Maybe because they see ECW as blood, barbed wire bats and kendo sticks
Awwww poor girl
Penny Marie Sautereau
Classic Full Sail
Brittney Soban
Yep it is
Penny Marie Sautereau
Bordering on a Lion Tamer
Brittney Soban
It was close
Penny Marie Sautereau
It was only missing the knee on the neck
Brittney Soban
Yep. It’s gonna be interesting to see how this goes from here
Penny Marie Sautereau
Goddess sometimes I just want the announcers to shut the fuck up so I can hear the crowd
Brittney Soban
Agreed. I missed it too
Penny Marie Sautereau
Brittney Soban
Penny Marie Sautereau
I like Mean Streak Bailey
Brittney Soban
As do I
Penny Marie Sautereau
Yes. Yes it is.
Brittney Soban
That little girl going “Let’s go Bayley” is me right now lol
Penny Marie Sautereau
Brittney Soban
That was great!!!
Penny Marie Sautereau
Holy shit
Brittney Soban
seriously this is amazing
Penny Marie Sautereau
“Iron Woman!”
Brittney Soban
This is where I get nervous 4 minutes left…anything can happen
Penny Marie Sautereau
This will be the longest womens’ match WWE has ever had
Brittney Soban
Penny Marie Sautereau
They telegraphed that a bit
Brittney Soban
A bit but still I’m disappointed ha-ha
Penny Marie Sautereau
I’m struggling to stay seated
Brittney Soban
I am pacing for both of us
Penny Marie Sautereau
Brittney Soban
Yes yes yes
Penny Marie Sautereau
That was fucking incredible!
Brittney Soban
Omg that little girl is my spirit animal right now
Penny Marie Sautereau
Brittney Soban
Ha-ha yeah
Penny Marie Sautereau
That was a match of the decade candidate
Brittney Soban
Exactly. If that or their match at Brooklyn doesn’t win match of the year I’m gonna freak
Penny Marie Sautereau
Who’s that with Regal and Steph and Sasha?
Brittney Soban
I was gonna ask you
Penny Marie Sautereau
I feel like I should know her
Brittney Soban
Bayley and Sasha are officially history making. First women in an Iron Woman match.
Penny Marie Sautereau
Yes, yes it was.