1. Okay, so it’s going to be a recap show. Not surprising in Takeover week, but still not my favorite thing in the world.
2. And I immediately change my mind as they replay Bayley vs Banks from Takeover Brooklyn. Five star match between two of the best workers in the company.
3. It’s hard to believe that Sasha Banks is only 23 years old. She is almost flawless in the ring, inventive with her taunts and a true student of ring psychology.
4. I like Apollo Crews character based on his short interaction with Tyler Breeze. He has a swagger and an arrogance combined with an almost creepy positivity.
5. Sure the Asoka debut was cool for those who knew who the hell Kana is, but for everyone else it’s probably somewhat mystifying.
6. It will be fun to see Dana Brooke destroyed by Asoka, which means that she has more than X-Pac heat. Barely.
7. The Dusty Classic has been one of the highlights of 2015, old fashioned quality tag team wrestling in the face of trios nonsense and Big Show championship matches.
8. I like how some of the matches have been held in local gyms and bingo halls (I assume) as it brings a nice indie flavor to the show. With HHH recently complementing EVOLVE now is a good time to be an indy wrestler looking to break into the big time.
9. Much as I love the Vaudvillains, JJ and Chad and even the Mechanics (not really) I despair at how WWE have handled the main show debut of The Ascension, Adam Rose and other formerly hot NXT talent. Is a ticket to Raw the first step on the road to the unemployment line?
10. As usual, NXT Takeover has the potential to be a better pay per view than whatever Vince is spruiking this month. Bring on the finals of the Dusty Classic!