Here is an update on the Hulk Hogan – Gawker lawsuit (source: Tampa Bay Times). This case stems from posting clips of a stolen sex tape featuring Hogan in October of 2012.
Circuit Judge Pamela Campbell has ordered that because of the seriousness of Hogan’s allegations against the media company, Hogan can do a “forensic inspection” of certain Gawker employees’ computers, servers, emails, and text messages.
The order allows for a court-appointed expert — hired at Bollea’s expense — to inspect the communication of Gawker’s founder and chief executive, Nick Denton. Also inspected is the company president Heather Dietrick and former editor A.J. Daulerio.
Gawker has until next month to appeal.
“We are exceptionally pleased with the court’s rulings in our favor, and it will be our goal to have the court-appointed expert begin their search as soon as possible. We will comb through Gawker’s records looking for information that may substantiate our concern as to whether or not Gawker or an associate is responsible for the dissemination of otherwise court protected information. If we are able to find that information we will seek the most severe sanctions possible.”
“The Judge’s order is literally unprecedented. It has no basis in law or fact. We intend to appeal. This order should send a shiver down the spine of all media companies and anyone who believes in the free press. It says that a court can confiscate all data in a media companies’ computer system based on nothing more than a baseless hunch and accusation. It then gives a litigant all reporters’ and editors data that mentions his name and a long list of other names. This order is an affront to the First Amendment.”