1. Another Australian Diva? They must be jumping down the street like freaking kangaroos. At least Shazza is an appropriately Aussie name. Way too much stalling to begin, but Emma eventually remembers what she’s there for and kicks the living crap out of Shazza. Not a great match, but good to see a bit more fire from Emma who has looked bored in the ring for as long as I can remember.
2. Solid interview from James Storm, who definitely has breakout potential if he’s given the chance. Sorry about your damn luck!
3. I wouldn’t have said this 6 months ago, but Jordan & Gable vs Ciampa & Gargano could well be the match of the night.
4. Some quality mat wrestling between Gable and Ciampa to start, and it’s amazing how over Gable is with the crowd. Nice double team moves on both sides, and it would be great to see tag wrestling of this calibre on Raw rather than the endless six man tag matches they subject us to every week.
5. Did Jordan just spear Ciampa in the balls? Because that would be an effective finishing move in my opinion. On the other hand, I’ve always felt like a wrestler ‘dropping the straps’ looks like they’re getting ready to take a shower or spend some private time with that special person. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
6. Excellent back and forth match between these two teams, and an extended program could get both teams over. Match of the night, no doubt.
7. It’s a little odd to see Nia Jax in her ring gear after watching her working with newbies wearing sweats on Breaking Ground, but she certainly brings a physical presence to the match. Kaylee puts up a decent fight but the end is never really in doubt. It will be interesting to see if Jax gets the push she deserves, as she’s not exactly built like a traditional Diva.
8. Dash & Dawson vs Enzo & Cass starts out with a bang, as the mechanics ambush the guidos on their way to the ring. And that’s it for the match, as Cass is taken out with a storyline knee injury. Could this be the chance for the big man to take a break and return without the good-on-the-mic-but-crap-in-the-ring Amore?
9. Nice Apollo Crews video package, and this young man really has unlimited potential if he can avoid injury or pissing off the wrong people in power. Uhaa Nation!
10. With Breeze having been moved up to the main roster, his days on NXT are probably numbered, but by all rights he should get squashed by Samoa Joe. Typical heel stalling to start, and Breeze could learn something from Kevin Owens on how to do this better. Sweet suicide dive by Joe, followed by some fun physical abuse after the break. After some good back and forth Joe gets the submission win, which makes perfect sense in this Barbie doll vs Beast matchup. That’s some logical booking, HHH. Time for you to take over the main show.