DC Comics Universe & DC Nation #1 Spoilers: The Flash #48 & The Flash War Part 2 Page Released With Wally West Vs Barry Allen!


DC Comics Universe and DC Nation #1 Spoilers follow.

The Flash #48 and The Flash War Part 2 Page Released With…

… Wally West Vs Barry Allen!

The Flash #48 hits stands on June 13, 2018.

John is a long-time pop culture fan, comics historian, and blogger. He is currently the Editor-in-Chief at Comics Nexus. Prior to being EIC he has produced several column series including DEMYTHIFY, NEAR MINT MEMORIES and the ONE FAN'S TRIALS at the Nexus plus a stint at Bleeding Cool producing the COMICS REALISM column. As BabosScribe, John is active on his twitter account, his facebook page, his instagram feed and welcomes any and all feedback. Bring it on!