Madison’s fluke win from last week is shown. Kingston’s rallying cry with LAX is recapped alongside Cage’s massacre, Su Yung’s title win, and the title win by Aries. Eddie threatening murder on Sami is shown and Drago and Aerostar come out to face Z and E. Josh plugs LU on El Rey, which is odd but cool. Drago hits Everett with a kneeling superkick before they double elbow him down. Z comes in and takes out both guys before eating a double basement dropkick. Drago powerbombs Everett, but doesn’t go for a cover. Z sunset bombs him down and Drago gets caught by Aerostar and dropkicked to the floor by Z. Aerostar hits a big second rope DDT and he goes for a moonsault double stomp, but the ZDT hits and Everett wins with a 630.
Don talks about how they have hired PIs and brought cops in to try and find the mystery attacker. I love that in this era of the company, we get a logical approach to something like this that brings in just enough reality to keep you intrigued. Don hypes up Eddie vs. Sami as the biggest blood feud in decades and Impact management isn’t taking any part in this and Eddie Edwards has hired a camera crew himself. This is straight out of the ’80s and ’90s to explain why anyone would have a camera with them and it’s great to see. Their history is recapped before we get a look at Su Yung being surrounded by creepy things and see her face Allie last week.
RVD vs. Dreamer from some old TNA show is shown for the GWN clip of the week. It’s actually a dark good little match and something that showed that Tommy did have something left in the tank during that TNA run. Diamante returns with LAX and she wants to know where the money’s at and where’s K-Dawg. He says it’s weird that Kingston comes back as Konnan is gone and things get awkward with her and Kingston. Kingston keeps just referring to getting revenge “for K-Dawg”, so maybe he’ll want to take that mantle – but they’re putting the wheels in motion for Diamante to split from this version of LAX due to Kingston. Eddie Kingston as the leader of a street gang is hilarious in theory – but he’s actually doing a fine job of playing this part.
The Cult of Lee comes out to face LAX. It’s a great showcase for Lee with his power game and LAX’s double team offense. Lee mocks LAX for their hand gesture and hit a wheelbarrow cutter for the win. They have a Puerto Rican flag with the Air Jordan logo on it and they hype up the return of the Fact of Life. Eli yammers on forever before Moose comes down. They argue and Eli low blows him before putting the desk on Moose after hitting the Gravy Train.
Rohit Raju is out to be destroyed by Cage and gets destroyed with Weapon X. Matt Sydal says that Cage can throw just about anyone around – but he sees something different. He looks through his third eye and sees weakness. He says he can show him the path to enlightenment – but he can only do it if he gives up his title shot. Cage says no with a press slam into an F5. Cage vs. Sydal is hyped up for Slammiversary. We go to the woods with Eddie, but first, Josh interviews Aries via Skype. Aries needed a light bulb on him during all this – his side of the screen is far too dark. Aries says he elite and that’s that. Johnny Impact says he’s busy with the new first lady of slam town and he’s busy “surviving” – but he’ll return at Slammiversary.
Madison talks about returning and facing Tessa and not liking her – she’s a bully and a brat. She says it’s better to be humble and not be like Tessa. Tessa insults Madison for trying to relive her glory days. Kiera Hogan comes in and brawls with her. Moose cuts a promo on Eli before we see Eddie in the woods. Eddie brawls with Jake Crist before fighting Dave and choking him near a fence. Sami comes in and they face off with goofy movie-like running towards each other. They beat each other up for a while before Sami fishhooks his eyes. They smash each other into a tree for a bit before Eddie busts Sami open with the horns of a steer head. Tommy Dreamer and Alisha come in to calm him down before Eddie attacks Tommy and says he’ll kill Sami.