James Fulton
- Copperhead #19 – Scott Godlewski returns to the series he launched with Jay Faerber, which makes me very happy. Copperhead is the perfect series for fans of Firefly, as it has a lot of similar themes and atmosphere, while being its own thing.
- The Fix #12 – This is one of the funniest comics being made today.
- Mister Miracle #9 – The best series of 2017/2018 continues!
- Proxima Centauri #1 – I’ll admit that I don’t always understand what Farel Dalrymple is doing in his comics, but his great art and endless supply of strange ideas always appeals to me. This should be interesting.
I’m also looking forward to new issues of Resident Alien, Oblivion Song, Port of Earth, Darth Vader, Marvel 2-In-One (Annual), Punisher, and Ballad of Sang.
RIP New Super-Man and the Justice League of China.
Phil Allen
- Copperhead #19 – I’m glad to see Godlewski back, as well as the series back on a more regular schedule. The fifth arc starts here, and the series hasn’t lost any speed yet.
- Detective Comics #982 – New creative team, and I imagine the road to #1000 should be starting pretty soon.
- The Flash #48 – I’m a few issues behind on several DC books, including this one but I’m assuming “Flash War” is good so far, this has been a solid series since day 1.
- Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #46 – Another series I’m behind on, and I felt mixed when I heard it was ending with #50. It’s been a good run, and popular enough I can’t imagine the GLC will be title-less for long. So while I’m bummed there might be a break, the ending of Metal and events of No Justice make me think something else will probably be coming soon for DC’s space cops.
- Other issues I’m looking forward to:
- Babyteeth #11
- Batman: Prelude to The Wedding – Batgirl vs. The Riddler #1
- Elseworlds: Batman Vol. 03
- I Hate Fairyland #19
- Immortal Men #3
- Mister Miracle #9
- Port of Earth #6
- The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #33
- Wonder Woman #48
James: The new creative team on Tec got pushed back an issue. This one is a filler by Moreci.
Matt Graham
- Animosity Evolution #6
- Babyteeth #11
- Dejah Thoris #5
- Weatherman #1
- Witchblade #6
- Domino #3
- New Mutants Dead Souls #4
- Venom #2
- X-Men Blue #29
- Bloodshot Salvation #10
Mike Maillaro
- PLASTIC MAN #1 – Gail Simone has written a lot of comics that I really enjoy, including DOMINO which is one of the best new series in comics. Seeing her write a PLASTIC MAN comic fulfills a dream I never even knew I had. DC needs more fun books like this! Now if only we can get her on a LEGION OF SUPERHEROES comic…DOMINO #3 also comes out this week, and that is highly recommended too!
- BLOODSTRIKE #0 – I still have a huge love for BRIGADE and BLOODSTRIKE. I know there are a lot of comic fans who roll their eyes (many of whom probably loved Liefeld back in the day), but I have been looking forward to new BLOODSTRIKE adventures for a while. Definitely a book I am very excited about for this week.
- MAGIC ORDER #1 – To be honest, I still don’t quite get the Netflix connection here. I keep hearing this is Netflix’s first ever comic…but it’s still written by Mark Millar and coming out from Image…so I don’t quite get what that means. Either way, Millar has put out some really great new series in recent years, so I will definitely check this out. Also KICK-ASS #5 comes out this week by Millar!
- THOR #1 – Odinson is back, and Jason Aaron is still at the helm! I absolutely love Aaron’s take on the Asgardians, and as much as I enjoyed Jane Foster Thor, it is great to see the original back in action!
- SCOOBY APOCALYPSE #26 – Last issue was brutal! Didn’t expect to read an issue of Scooby-Doo where a beloved classic character is brutally slaughtered. This series always manages to surprise me, and it is always one of DC’s best books.
- NEW SUPER-MAN AND THE JUSTICE LEAGUE OF CHINA #24 – I am sad that this series is coming to an end, but to be honest, I never expected it to last even this long. I really enjoy this book and these characters. Hopefully they will still be around in some capacity.
- INFINITY COUNTYDOWN: DARKHAWK #2 – I really liked Darkhawk when I started reading comics back in the day. He’s sort of been a little directionless the last few years, but DARKHAWK #51 and IC: DARKHAWK #1 seemed like a great way to bring the character back to basics. Really hoping we get a new DARKHAWK series out of this.
- PUNISHER #226 – The last few issues have been so damn intense! The Marvel universe is pretty pissed at Punisher for taking his war on crime to a whole new level, using the War Machine armor to take down dictators. I know we have a new PUNISHER #1 coming in a few months, but I have no idea how Frank Castle can get back to the status quo at this point…
- FIX #12 – I wish this series came out on a better release schedule. One of my favorite series, but it is sometimes so long between issues I barely remember what happened last time. Still a very funny series, and I can’t wait to read the newest issue!
- Babyteeth #11
- Betrothed #4
- Walk Through Hell #2
- Batman Prelude To The Wedding Batgirl Vs The Riddler #1
- Detective Comics #982
- Flash #48
- Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #46
- Man Of Steel #3 (Of 6)
- Mister Miracle #9 (Of 12)
- Red Hood And The Outlaws #23
- Sideways #5
- Suicide Squad #43
- Titans Special #1
- Wonder Woman #48
- DuckTales #9
- I Hate Fairyland #19
- Mage The Hero Denied #9 (Of 15)
- Exiles #4
- Hunt For Wolverine Adamantium Agenda #2 (Of 4)
- Marvel Two-In-One Annual #1
- New Mutants Dead Souls #4 (Of 6)
- Old Man Logan #41
- Quicksilver No Surrender #2 (Of 5)
- Star Wars Darth Vader #17
- Bloodshot Salvation #10
John Babos
14 books this week.
- Batman Prelude To The Wedding Batgirl Vs The Riddler #1
Bloodshot Salvation #19
Detective Comics #982
Flash #48
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #46
Hawkman #1
Immortal Men #3
Man of Steel #3
Mister Miracle #9
Red Hood and the Outlaws #23
Suicide Squad #43
Thor #1
Titans Special #1
Wonder Woman #48