DC Comics Universe and Post Man Of Steel Spoilers follow.
A Very Different Superboy Jon Kent – Or Is That Conner Kent / Kon-El – Revealed For Post MOS Era In Action Comics and Superman Series?
The pic:
The tease:
- @dccomics I’m going to wrap up this Tuesday’s Instagram take over with this mysterious sketch by @ivanreisart #jonkent #whhaaaaa #bendisdcinstatakeover #butithoughthewasgonnakilljon #theinternetsaid #whatdoesthismean #superman #superboy #superfamily thank you for buying man of steel. The third issue is out tomorrow. Stuff happens so avoid spoilers #dcnation #dccomics @brianmbendis
While I know Jon Kent (Superman and Lois Lane’s son) was hashtagged, I wonder if this is really Conner Kent / Kon-el (a clone made up of Superman and Lex Luthor DNA) who the DC Comics Rebirth era is aching for. If it is an adult Jon Kent, then I hope its just another time travel story since the Super Sons pairing with Damian Wayne Robin is fun and has its own maxi-series in parallel to Bendis’ Action Comics and Superman.