Ronda vs. Nia and Alexa’s title win are recapped to start things off. Alexa wants a celebration, but Ronda interrupts. Alexa tells Ronda that she looked good against Nia, and then goes to attack her, but Ronda flips Kurt, slugs her and powerbombs her through a table! Kurt tells Ronda to leave and she does. Seth issues his open challenge, which is accepted by Dolph. Seth and Dolph have Dolph’s best match in possibly years. He hasn’t been given to much to work with before, but has great chemistry with Seth and eats a big superkick when going for one of his own. Seth goes for the same finish that worked for him last night, but Dolph holds the tights better than Seth and pins him! Drew says they won’t allow this win allow them to become soft.
Roode beats Curt Hawkins quickly. Roode is now so over, he’s under. WWE brags about Steph’s appearance on Celebrity Undercover Boss being the number 1 show on TV – so USA is allowing this despite it showing that they weren’t number 1 for the night. Coach says it’s “his show!” and Corey says that Coach is impersonating an announcer. Braun comes down and says that whenever Brock is on a show, he’ll cash in and get the Universal Title. Owens comes out bandaged up and congratulates Braun. Owens goes for a handshake, but nearly gets powerslammed and escapes.
Bayley talks about being demoralized by the Riott Squad last week and she wants Sasha’s help. Sasha agrees. Oh joy. Bo and Axel impersonate Bray and Matt, with Bo doing a perfect Bray impression. The Deleters of Worlds defeat Heath and Rhyno and we get a recap of Ronda beating up Kurt and Alexa. Kurt gets his balls cut off by Steph over the telephone when he tells Baron that he didn’t do what he did tonight for her. Jinder squashes Chat Gable. The Riott Squad vs. Bayley and Sasha match is now sponsored by Icy Hot. Bayley costs her team the win when she gets overzealous and distracts the ref while the heels cheat to cradle Sasha and win. Sasha shoves her down and leaves.
Backstage, Bayley and Sasha argue and then Sasha shoves her down and throws food on her before tossing plastic cups at her. Can’t a single week of Raw go by without picnicware being destroyed!? Kurt talks about who will wrestle for the Universal Title next and then Roman comes out to boos. Roman says he’s the uncrowned champion and then Lashley says Roman can’t finish the job. Lashley says he’s wanted to get his hands on Brock for years and he wants a shot because he knows he can beat Brock – which Roman has never done. They’ll be in the mix for a title shot, but the Revival interrupts them and gets destroyed. Lashley gets cocky and blind tags himself in and beats them with the flipping spear.
Kurt runs into Kurt and he wants to be in the Universal Title match. KO and Baron bully Finn and Braun says he’s here to defend his buddy. AJ is announced for the cover of WWE 2K19. Mojo destroys No Way Jose. Sasha breaks up with Bayley and Bayley throws a water bottle at her car whlie she drives off. Elias sings. Balor comes out and then Braun comes down to face Baron in full Constable gear and KO. Braun tosses Balor onto the heels to get an edge. Baron wins it with the End of Days when he knocks Balor off the top – so now Baron has lost his hair, gained a better overall role on the show, and is winning in main events. Good move for him.