Marvel Comics Universe and Avengers #3 Spoilers follow.
What Threat(s) Have The Avengers 1,000,000 BC…
…Unleashed On The World?
Loki has aligned himself with the Dark Celestials and has kidnapped Captain America…
…to reveal to him they are here to wipe out civilization because of his Asgardian father Odin and the Avengers 1,000,000 BC!
The Avengers form and after Alpha Flight reveals that Captain America is at least alive, Iron Man summarizes the first 3 issues of Avengers for readers the team.
Thor and She- Hulk head to Old Asgard to confront Odin about the Dark Celestials and his hand in their fury as a prehistoric Avenger…
…while the rest of the team gets ready to track down the Dark Celestials…
…while Loki reveals the Progenitor, the first Dark Celestial, that is the father of the Avengers and the father of all?
Next issue we have Avengers #4 where more will be revealed about the secret history of Marvel.