James Fulton
It’s not a terribly exciting week. The only debut I’m considering is Shanghai Red, which is about people being kidnapped and forced to work on ships in Portland (being Shanghaied, really). I like the concept, but I’ve never been impressed with Christopher Sebela’s writing when I’ve sampled it before. I’ll give it a look.
Otherwise, I’m looking forward to new issues of Crude, Days of Hate, Deadly Class, Gideon Falls, and Cable (never thought I’d say that about the last one, but Thompson and Nadler’s run has been terrific).
Mike Maillaro
- JUSTICE LEAGUE #2 and AVENGERS #3 – I really didn’t intend to lump these two books in together, but I have similar feelings about both. Both books got off to real hot starts in the first few pages of the first issue, but kind of got a little boring. I have to admit, I am not a huge fan of stories of worldwide threats where everyone is going to die unless the heroes do something epic. It’s fun for events every now and then, but not really the core of the main team books. That is actually why I prefer when the JUSTICE LEAGUE and AVENGERS have a lot more street level characters. I am still mostly enjoying these series, but it’s just not quite what I want from either of them.
- ANT-MAN AND THE WASP #2 – I was very happy to hear that they are bringing back Wasp in her own series later this year. She is definitely one of my favorite of Marvel’s newer characters, and my daughter adores her as a science-minded girl herself. The first issue of this series was great. Scott Lang and Nadia Pym have a real unique dynamic.
- TONY STARK IRON MAN #1 – Dan Slott takes over IRON MAN. I typically like Slott’s work quite a bit, so I am real curious what new direction he can take Tony Stark. Should be a very fun book if nothing else. We also get the last issue of his ten year run on Spider-Man with this week’s AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #801. He will definitely be missed, but it is definitely time for him to try something new.
- Lost City Explorers #1
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #28
- Batman #49
- Batman Prelude To The Wedding Red Hood Vs Anarky #1
- Future Quest Presents #11
- Green Lanterns #49
- Man Of Steel #4 (Of 6),
- Curse Words #15
- Hit-Girl #5
- Amazing Spider-Man Renew Your Vows #20
- Ben Reilly The Scarlet Spider #20
- Champions #21
- Daredevil #604
- Doctor Strange #2
- Hunt For Wolverine Claws Of A Killer #2 (Of 4)
- Infinity Countdown Black Widow #1
- Infinity Countdown Champions #1 (Of 2)
- Runaways #10
- Star Wars Poe Dameron #28
- Weapon H #4
- Ninja-K #8
- Shadowman #4
Matt Graham
- Tank Girl All Stars #1 – A Tank Girl anthology celebrating 30 years. Series artist Brett Parson carved his own identity into the recent series, but we’re getting an Ashley Wood variant cover and Jim Mahfood, Warwick Johnson-Cadwell, and Chris Wall contributing guest art.
- Barbarella #7 – Mike Carey has nailed the Euro-comic feel of the original Barbarella. He’s British, so that makes sense. Kenan Yarar and colourist Mohan do gorgeous work. Really, this book looks like little else on the shelves. I know Dynamite still plays with sex appeal, but this book is some clever sci-fi and social commentary. This chapter, Barbarella is lost in a maze of Unstable Space Time and pursued by angry prospectors over a resource claim. When you’re Barbarella, that just means something else is going to go wrong.
- Taarna #2 – Issue #1 dropped in February, but with Alex Di Campi scripting and Stephane Roux on art, the wait may be worth it. Nah, it’s still ridiculous. Still a cool sci-fantasy story starring Heavy Metal’s own Queen of Justice told at a breakneck pace that feels just like the Heavy Metal animation once you’re immersed. Di Campi, as always, uses the full power of the comic book medium by maximizing the showing and minimizing the telling.
- X-Men Gold #30 – In true Mighty Marvel Manner, this issue was spoiled already to pave the way for the next big thing in X-Men. I won’t discuss that spoiler, but I do think it’s a more interesting choice, although there’s some fan bias there. And even without the spoiler, Kelly Thompson got that X-Men book I’ve been asking for every time I write one of these up, so I have that going for me.
Anyway, Gold is ending in September. I have many questions, but at this point I’m just filling out the run. I hope we see a writing team change up with whatever happens during that relaunch.
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #28
- Deadly Class #35
- Cable #158
- Daredevil #604
- Spider-Gwen #33
John Babos
7 books this week.
- Amazing Spider-Man #801
Avengers #3
Batman #49
Batman Prelude To The Wedding Red Hood Vs Anarky #1
Justice League #2
Man of Steel #4
Ninja-K #8