Moose vs. Eli is shown before Cage vs. Sydal is recapped. LAX comes out to face Z and E for the tag titles. Everett hits a Fosbury flop to the floor and Z hits a back-rolling headscissors to the floor. Z eats some double-team chops and a double back suplex. LAX hits the street sweeper and wins the titles back. Josh and Don hype this up as a return to form for LAX before hyping up Slammiversary’s main event and Rayne vs. Taya alongside the main event of OVE against Fantasma and Pentagon Jr. Jimmy Jacobs talks about how Cage walks around like he owns the place, but he doesn’t agree with that. He wanted to show that Cage could be beaten and did just that and the machine is no match for his monster.
The issues between Bahh and KM are recapped and KM buries him for not being appreciative. KM says they need to rename the company to KMPact Wrestling because it’s all about him. Bahh gives him a hand-written note saying he won’t wrestle him – but he’ll face a standby wrestler. The standby wrestler isn’t Richard Justice – but Scott Steiner! Scott reverses a whip on the floor into the steps and they shoot it so you can see KM clearly flipping himself over the steps. Well that’s a bad move. Steiner hits an exploder mid-ring and chops him in the corner. Scott hits a draping flatliner and he taps him with the recliner.
Moose vs. Aries is hyped up with a press conference from a bar before they showcase the PPV’s building with an incredible video package. Josh and Don talk about Eddie Edwards going home to find himself and we see him knock trash cans over, kick his own door in, and look in the mirror and see Sami. He breaks a mirror and blames Sami. Sami cuts an OVE promo about Pentagon Jr. getting involved in their business and tonight, it’ll be thumbs down for Pentagon and Fantasma. Taya and Madison are out, with them exchanging armdrags. Taya chokes her on the rope and Biels her around. Madison hits a tornado DDT out of the corner, but Taya tosses her in the corner and cusses at her in Spanish – which gets bleeped. Taya assalanaches her in the corner before kneeing her head for 2. Taya get schoolgirled for 2, but avoids a Northern Lights suplex. Madison hits CrossRayne and wins.
She cuts a promo about wanting the title back before a crazy video of Su Yung’s laughter plays – so they’ll face off at the PPV. LAX celebrates with King in their compound. Konnan returns and tells King he needs to talk to him. Konnan says a lot of things don’t make sense to him – and he wants to know if King has anything to do with this. Konnan wants Homicide to talk to him, not King. Konnan believes King had something to do with this – and he just wants evidence. Konnan tells him he’d better find out King had nothing to do with anything that happened, because if he did, he’s better off jumping off the Earth or else he’ll find him and get to him. Josh and Don talk about the tension between King and Konnan, with Don saying that as a man of the streets, he knows there can be only one OG – okay, that’s a fantastic line.
Killer Kross says that fear is a part of the art of survival and he will unleash his body of work soon. He says everyone was asking why, but they should’ve asked why not. Mayhem exists in the world, and people should exercise fear because he wants to turn the industry upside-down. Kross has a great intensity to him, but is lacking something. The Desi Hit Squad is coming to Impact. Sonjay beating Low-Ki for the X Title in India is the GWN match of the week.
Fantasma and Pentagon face off with OVE. Fantsama chops Dave hard and then they whazzup him with a legdrop to the nuts. Fantasma hits the tope on Jake! They fight on the floor and Callihan bats Fantasma in the knee. Dave and Jake work the knee over and land a superplex into a Batista bomb! Jake accidentally dropkicks Dave in the ass in the corner when Pentagon evades him. Jake gets belly to belly suplexed hinto his brother as well. Pentagon Driver ends it! They beat him up afterwards and try to take his mask off, but Fantasma makes a save.