Following news that WWE Raw would remain on NBCUniversal’s USA Network for 5 years and that WWE Smackdown Live would be on Fox Sports for 5 years, but switching from Tuesdays to Fridays, comes possibly good news for WWE NXT.
PWS reports:
- WWE’s co-presidents George Barrios and Michelle Wilson hosted a conference call to Wednesday discuss the new blockbuster TV deals with Fox and NBCU. During the 30-minute investor call, a few questions were asked about additional programming with its newest partner.
“Those absolutely have been in discussions with Fox,” answered Wilson. “There have been discussions around additional promotional programming that would highlight other activities in WWE. So those are certainly very positive discussions that are taking place — both on FS1 and Fox Broadcast.”
Wilson later added some of those opportunities were laid out in the new contract. However, she wasn’t in a position to elaborate.
Sources tell us there have been discussions in regards to a weekly airing of NXT on Fox Sports 1 … however, we’ve been unable to verify if this is a plan that’s already set in stone.
It makes sense that WWE may try to move some of its WWE Network programming to the larger air waves as well, perhaps, create new content for Fox too. Stay tuned.