The Column: My Top Ongoing Comic Titles From Marvel & DC At The Moment

Columns, Features, Top Story

Top Ongoings

Well, well, welcome to The Column where I talk about some of my favorite ongoing comic series at the moment.

First lets see what marvel has to offer.

Now, my top picks.

Marvel has gotten a lot better and Fresh Start has actually worked, It is a return to form for marvel and here is to many more awesome titles.

Now, DC, what are you gonna show us?

Now, my top picks.

DC has actually not been doing so good, the steam from Rebirth has ended and they haven’t capitalized on it much. They are back to showcasing the main Justice League members and leaving the legacy characters eating the dirt like in New 52, a mistake they really need to correct soon.

Anyways these are my opinions and my ranking. I am sure you are enjoying much more than this like I am. Lets see how they all go.

Let me know what you think of this ranking and this column at

Love Comics Movies and Tv . Just an average guy writing about something he think he knows