DC Comics Universe and Detective Comics #1009 Spoilers and Review follows.
Who Is Deadshot’s Target and…
…How Much Of This Batman Issue Is A DC’s Year Of The Villain Tie-In?
Deadshot gets a hit job and…
…kills the messenger.
He sneaks Bruce Wayne’s jet disguised as a pilot and we learn his target is…
…Batwing’s dad Lucius Fox.
Lightning strikes the plane and it goes down…
…with Bruce Wayne, Deadshot and others falling out…
…before plane comes to a crash landing; emphasis on crash.
Next up is Detective Comics #1010.
The Pulse:
A compelling, fast-paced issue with too little Batman, but the right amount of Deadshot. The Year of the Villain is very small. Sigh. Art was ok. 6 out of 10.