7 Funniest Ideas For Your Next Tabletop Character

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Welcome to the arena of Tabletop role-playing games. Here you’ll discover the secrets of adding humor and fun to your Tabletop characters but beware of the absurdity of this guide. The following ideas might hand you the ropes to hilarity but reaching there has to be your own personal objective. 

The real essence of Tabletop roleplaying games lies in the limitless possibilities of characters that you can choose to play. Here are seven ideas we find funniest for your next Tabletop character.

  1. Enhance the Drama

The way you choose to instill comedy in your character decides how successful you are in making your game fun. There is no written rule that defines what a person should find humorous. Everybody has their own idea of comedy. However, what we mean by humor relating to our roleplaying subject, is when a serious situation results in a surprisingly light result. Suppose your character is in a fairly dangerous situation, choose to add exaggeration and dramatization. If you alter a situation of terror into a ridiculous or stupid situation, you automatically get laughter out of people.

  1. Find the Right Balance of Comedy

Your next Tabletop character must have a diverse personality. There should be a mix of seriousness and goofiness in your storyline. You need to keep juggling around the coolness with the craziness to keep things interesting. If you stick to being funny all the time, it won’t be funny after a while. But if you alternate between being serious and being funny, the roleplay will be much more entertaining and exciting. This way, if you make a joke, but people don’t find it funny, then you can turn it into a serious scene. And if people laugh, it’s fantastic. This strategy will make your game that much more memorable because you will laugh, scream, and experience a wide range of emotions. 

  1. Keep It Real

You must accept the personality of your character as if it’s real. If you fail to believe that the character is real and the things happening to them are real, you wouldn’t be able to enjoy the actual fun of Tabletop roleplay games. The set-up makes a lot of difference on the entire gameplay. While deciding names for your tabletop characters, go through a list of generic D&D names as a reference to how wordplay can help you set up a fun character. The idea here is that if an individual that makes the joke is aware that what they are saying is funny and starts laughing at their own joke, the humor is kind of lost, or from being a great joke, it becomes a good joke. . Just like a comedian laughing at their own joke, people find it sad rather than funny. 

  1. Hit the Correct Spots

Timing is the most important ingredient in comedy. Memorable moments happen when the right things happen at the right time. If you too want to make your roleplaying game a memorable experience, then you must choose the perfect timing to be humorous. Being absurd all the time will cause all the players to lose interest in the game. You might end up making the whole situation of you playing a game ridiculous. To avoid such situations, you need to be fair to the storyline. If the story is at an intense turn of events, you must not spoil it by being comical out of turn. 

  1. Lighten the Tone

People play Tabletop games to get away from the seriousness of life and entertain themselves. By keeping your character’s set-up in a lighter tone, you can attain a better response from the other players. Although it totally depends on the type of people you’re playing with. Some people don’t like comedy in their play at all. But if you’re playing with a cheerful group of people, lightening the tone of a serious situation might fetch you a couple of laughs and giggles. 

  1. Use Dark Humor Time and Again

You can use a horror situation to your advantage. By making it more horrific or by adding dark humor to your character’s situation, you can negate the seriousness and awkwardness of the moment. 

However, don’t overdo it because it’ll make your fellow players think that the situation or the game is not serious, and they’ll lose interest. You don’t need to become a stand-up comedian while playing a roleplay. You just need to add enough humor in the mix to keep the mood light and the game interesting.

  1. The Key To Comedy Is Original Jokes 

If you’re playing with a group of people you know very well, you can work your charm of comedy by cracking inside jokes. You can easily make a thing funny by catching a word or a boring sentence and then building on it. You turn it into an interesting sentence. Then with a punchline, you can turn it into a comedy sentence. With a group of friends who are as interested as you are in the game, you can combine laughter and engagement with great ease. 

Keep it simple and keep it real. Know when to go crazy and when to get a grip to keep your fellow players engaged and on-their-toes. Comedy should be used in reasonable quantities and at correct times. Avoid overdoing the ludicrous nature of your character, or else people might lose interest.