Interesting Facts About Guitar Players That Will Surprise You

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Just like any other sound instrument learning how to play the guitar is never easy. However, if you want to be a guitarist you need to work for a few minutes every day on it. You need to kick hard every moment even after finding a tough learning curve at the beginning. Be patient if you want good results because nothing comes easy. Playing the guitar can help you get rid of stress as it can give you a better opportunity to express your feelings and what most probably you can’t be able to put down on paper. 

The guitar is a masterpiece in music and incomparable to almost all other distinguished musical instruments. That said, guitar players are also unique people, and here are some interesting facts about guitar players that will surprise you:

guitar woman and child inside pulse

Guitarists Value The Guitar 

Playing the guitar is sweet, owning one again is even sweeter, but having one in hand and making those strings produce musical sounds no matter the value is the real thing. Guitarists do not see it as a loss or even a waste of money if you would have two, three, or even five guitars in your name. As long as you know the importance of having them, unlike non-guitarists who would think otherwise. Based on the information given by guitarists at musical instrument reviews guitarists choose guitars based on their qualities and types of sounds they expect to enjoy from the guitars. For instance, some guitarists might choose guitars that are good for soprano. They love the guitar for different reasons. Be it a brand new guitar or even a second-hand guitar you own, the end report is that you have one. For sure no guitarist has one guitar. They start from one up to owning a whole collection of guitars. Guitarists don’t mind paying much for their equipment. They have all the reasons to purchase and own as many as they would want as it’s their culture.

They Have Good Mental Health

Playing a musical instrument can help you raise your concentration levels. The guitar is one of those instruments that can help you reduce life stress brought by day-to-day living activities. Musical instruments aid in lowering blood pressure and increased heart rates can create some anxious thoughts. Guitarists are very sharp in mind even when they grow older, basically because they take years practicing and learning. That alternates connections in their brains and compensates them for cognitive declines at their late ages. Research has also shown that an instrument changes the power of the brain. Playing an instrument is beneficial to your mental capacity.

They are Left and Right Handed

Guitar learning may take you a couple of years before you become a professional guitarist. Even though the world favors right-handed guitarists by population, left-handed people, unlike the right-hand people too, have a percentage of the world population that they represent. Nevertheless, they too play the guitar. If any, left-handed guitar players rock. They have fast eye coordination with their right hand. 

There are no left-handed violas and it’s because all orchestral string players are trained with the left hand on the fingerboard and the right hand on the bow. Although left-handed guitarists are few and rare to get,  research has it that left-handed guitarists are better compared to their right-handed fellows. Normality is using your dominant hand on the strings and your non-dominant hand on the fretboard. Right-handed people too enjoy even more while playing the guitar.

They Go For Certain Guitar Brands

There are several reasons guitar brands have been made to produce different musical sounds. For that reason, each of these guitars fits specific types of music. Guitarists hate faking their identity. It’s very hard for them to produce music from pieces of equipment that don’t do the same work as they intend. There are guitars for narrow styles of specific music. This makes them not suited to be your only guitar even if you would want to have less. You need specific guitars due to their unique attributes.

guitar and kid fender

Guitarists Live Like a Family

It sounds obvious to always be mindful of your neighbor even if you are the kind of people that would want to keep things to themselves. It’s a culture that is much embraced by guitarists especially those that are in bands if not for business. Guitarists are honest to each other about issues that touch on them. The value of helping and supporting is always on top of their mind. They check on one another every time and it helps them build their unity.

They Make a Living Out of Guitar

Someone would ask, can guitar playing make you money? It may sound impossible but you can make good money out of your passion. Many people think that playing guitar is just for fun, but qualified professional guitarists know the value of what they do. They play the guitar passionately for a living. There are so many ways you can make money out of being a guitarist be it performing at parties, live recordings when musicians require bands or even gigs in local events. 

Just playing the guitar can change your whole life if you are ready to go for it. You may also decide to teach people how to play the guitar and this too is a stable way to make money. Even if you get very few people interested in learning the skills of playing the guitar, it’s worth trying as in the long run may want to learn the skills.

Guitarists Hire Luthiers

 A Luthier? This is a term used in the music industry to define people who play fixed stringed instruments. Like most careers in the music industry,  being a luthier isn’t something you can learn overnight. Most luthiers specialize in one type of instrument. Specifically, a guitar luthier trains people on the art of guitar construction and repair only. With the many guitars with guitarists and the work they do, they might certainly have different physical damages such as dents or even fractures. 

After all, guitar maintenance is a must. Guitarists know better than having a luthier can make your pieces of equipment last longer. Your luthier can also make sure that guitars that have not been used for a significant amount of time are back in playing condition. Although not every guitarist has a personal luthier they always hire them should they require equipment maintenance.

They are Annoyed By Non Guitarist Criticism

If you’ve wanted to learn about an instrument, you might have found yourself reluctant to make a move due to fear of being criticized. Making a mistake is too human and making one bad string touch or even rhythm does not mean you’ll be doing it all through. However, singing is subjected to more criticism compared to playing an instrument. Learning to take criticism is essential particularly if you hope to perform regularly or if you are practicing to be a professional guitarist. 

Nonetheless, it’s good to understand that positive criticism can construct you. Constructive criticism can help you improve the way you play a piece of equipment or even rectify whatever thing was being addressed. Guitarists take it that it’s only their fellow professionals who should give constructive criticism on the way they play the instrument.

They Have Skills

At first, I thought playing guitar is a talent only to realize that it’s surely a skill. Very many people assume that playing the guitar is as easy as they would think, but you need to be skilled in it to be able to play it like other musical instruments. You need to understand the rhythmic notations, understand the guitar tabs, the barre chords, do guitar scales, chord progressions, and memorize notes on the guitar fretboard before you can play one. 

Learning all the required skills about playing the guitar will take your time, but again it’s the sweetest thing to learn whether you are young or old. Learning the guitar can rewire your brain over time so you have faster access to the thinking brain area. Good skill levels have a good impact on efficiency and profitability.

man playing guitar glasses inside pulse

The guitar is a musical instrument that has attracted many talents and even fascinates some people. For almost everyone, it’s the ideal partner to express oneself freely through picking up the great hits of our favorite guitar players. There is no age limit to playing the guitar: whether you are 5,10,30 or 50 years old makes no difference. The right time to play the guitar is as soon as you are motivated or just any moment you want. 

You can play all music genres on the guitar as long as you can. You’ll only have to choose a guitar that is correspondent to the music you intend to play. To be sure to make the proper sounds and not get the people listening screaming, it’s recommended that you learn the basics of this instrument. Whether you learn from a local independent teacher or decide to join an instrument school it doesn’t matter provided you acquire the skill. 

Getting the basics to play is the bottom line. While the guitar itself is an interesting instrument, the guitarists to are interesting people who have skills and love what they do. They come from all walks of life and while some guitarists are left-handed some are right-handed. Guitarists know each other and they are bound together by their love for music and this instrument. Professional guitarists prefer certain brands of guitars because they know which one is the best for different specific music genres.