For a full list of these releases, head to ComicList: The New Comic Book.
James Fulton
Big week this week.
Aquamen – I’m a big fan of Brandon Thomas’s Excellence, and I liked the recent Aquaman: The Becoming miniseries (although the Aquaman/Green Arrow: Deep Target one has been a disappointment), so I’m down to try out this new title that shares the Aquaman name between Jackson and Arthur. I’ve always been a sucker for a decent legacy hero situation, and assume this will satisfy in that department.
I’m also looking forward to new issues of: Action Comics, Aquaman/Green Arrow: Deep Target, Arrowsmith: Behind Enemy Lines, Black Hammer Reborn, Deadly Class, Deathstroke Inc., Department of Truth, Human Target, Iron Man, Miles Morales: Spider-Man, Oblivion Song (finally), Orphan and the Five Beasts (finally), Radio Apocalypse, Robin, The Rush, Saga, Teen Titans Academy, Two Moons, Vampirella/Dracula: Unholy, and X Deaths of Wolverine.
John Babos
10 books this week.
Action Comics #1040
Aquaman / Green Arrow: Deep Target #5
Aquamen #1
Arrowsmith Behind Enemy Lines #2
Blue & Gold #6
Deathstroke Inc. #6
Detective Comics #1054
Robin #11
Supermassive #1
Teen Titans Academy #12
So, what did you find intriguing from the week that was?