Marvel Comics and Eternals #12 Spoilers and Review follows.
How Does Series Finale Bleed Into AXE: Judgment Day Event?!
In addition to the “foreshadow” variant cover above, that teases Judgment Day, the book has a few more variant covers below.
Plus the main cover.
The promise of the issue can be surmised from its solicit.
FORESHADOW VARIANT COVER BY SALVADOR LARROCAThanos makes his final moves to destroy our world.
Can the Eternals settle their differences with the Avengers in time to do anything about it?
32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99
Well, it appears Druig has felled Thanos leading to…
…Sersi coming clean with the Avengers.
It is an interesting reveal about how the Eternals perceive themselves in comparison to Earth’s current mightiest heroes.
So, Thanos is defeated.
However, the ending is not an ending totally.
Druig has discovered that mutants have taken over an island on Earth and the planet Mars making him believe they have gone to excess deviation territory requiring the Eternals to destroy them due to their biological imperative.
The Pulse:
An interesting end to a oddball series. Solid art. It is interesting that Marvel cancelled the Eternals series as the Eternals featuring Judgment Day, that puts them on equal footing with the Avenger and the X-Men, is set to begin. The last few pages of this book have me more intrigued for Judgment Day. 6.5 out of 10.