Screen Time & Reading: Essential Tips to Help You Protect Your Eyesight


We all know that too much screen time is bad for us, but did you know that it could also be damaging your eyesight? With the increasing use of digital devices in our day-to-day lives, it’s important to understand how to protect your vision from the potential risks associated with prolonged screen time. In this article, we’ll discuss some essential tips and tricks to help you reduce the negative effects of screens on your eyesight. We’ll cover topics such as proper lighting conditions, taking regular breaks from screens, and reading habits that can aid in protecting your vision. By following these simple steps, you can keep yourself safe from any long-term repercussions caused by extended exposure to electronic devices. So let’s get started!

1. Proper Lighting Conditions: 

To avoid straining your eyes, make sure to keep the brightness of your screen at an optimal level. It’s recommended you set the brightness to a comfortable level that is slightly lower than the average room lighting. Additionally, try minimizing any direct or reflecting light from other sources as this can lead to eyestrain. This includes natural lighting, such as sunlight, or artificial sources like fluorescent lights. Also, make sure to avoid screen glare and don’t sit too close to the monitor. For example, if you’re working on a laptop, it’s best to keep it at least arm’s length away from your face. Also, when it comes to desktop screens, you should use an adjustable stand that will allow you to tilt the screen and reduce the amount of reflected light.

2. Take Regular Breaks: 

When working or playing on digital devices for prolonged periods of time, your eyes need a break. Make sure to take regular breaks throughout the day and look away from your screen every 20 minutes. This helps give your eyes a much-needed rest and prevents strain from developing over time. It’s also important to blink often while using screens, as this helps keep your eyes hydrated and reduces dryness. Additionally, try implementing the “20-20-20 rule” into your daily routine. Every 20 minutes, take a break and focus on something that’s 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. This will help reduce eyestrain and fatigue when working in front of a computer or other digital device. Also, try to get outside for some natural light during the day, as this can be beneficial for your eyes.

3. Use blue light-blocking glasses: 

To help reduce the effects of blue light from digital devices, you can use special glasses with a yellow tint. According to the pros behind BlockBlueLight, these glasses filter out most of the damaging blue light rays that come from screens and can help protect your vision in the long run. Additionally, many modern devices, such as smartphones and laptops, now have settings to reduce the amount of blue light coming off their displays. If you spend a lot of time on digital devices, these settings can be beneficial in preventing eye strain. Additionally, there are also apps available that help reduce blue light levels at night.

4. Use reading mode brightness on your devices: 

Most modern devices now come with a “reading mode” setting that helps reduce the amount of blue light coming off the screen. This is especially useful for those who spend a lot of time reading on their device since it helps your eyes adjust better to lower levels of brightness. Additionally, using this mode at night can also help you get better sleep as it reduces disruptive blue light rays from interfering with your circadian rhythm. This will help ensure you get adequate rest and recover from any potential eyestrain. For example, if you’re using an iPhone, you can find the “Night Shift” setting under the “Display and Brightness” menu. Also, most Android devices come with a “Night Light” setting which serves the same purpose. 

5. Change up your reading habits: 

Reading is a great way to relax and clear your mind after spending long periods of time in front of digital devices. However, it’s important to keep your eyes safe even during leisure activities such as reading. Try picking books that have bigger font sizes or use e-readers instead of paperbacks since they provide adjustable lighting settings. When possible, read outside in natural light to reduce strain on your eyes from prolonged exposure to screens. Additionally, make sure not to read for too long at one time and remember to take regular breaks to give your eyes a rest. This will help prevent eyestrain and fatigue from developing.

6. Invest in a good monitor: 

It’s important to invest in a quality monitor if you spend long periods of time working on digital devices. Try to get one with adjustable brightness settings as this will help reduce the amount of blue light exposure your eyes receive. Additionally, use an anti-glare screen protector to reduce reflections which can strain your eyes. These small investments can go a long way toward protecting your vision in the long term. Furthermore, good monitors come with adjustable stands which help ensure that you’re maintaining a comfortable posture when working. This helps reduce neck and shoulder strain from sitting in the same position for extended periods of time. Also, position your monitor at the right distance from your eyes and make sure to take regular breaks. 

7. Get an eye exam: 

It’s important to get regular check-ups with an optometrist to ensure your vision is healthy and that you don’t have any underlying issues that could be causing eyestrain or fatigue. During these appointments, your doctor may recommend different prescription lenses or other treatments if necessary. Additionally, they can also provide tips on how best to protect your vision in the long term by following simple practices like reducing blue light exposure. Consult a professional for more information about how you can keep your eyes healthy when working on digital devices for extended periods of time. For instance, if you’re already experiencing some symptoms of eyestrain they may recommend a specific type of glasses with blue light-blocking lenses. 

8. Make sure you get enough sleep: 

It’s important to make sure you’re getting an adequate amount of sleep each night as this can also help reduce eyestrain from working on digital devices. When your body is well-rested, it’s better equipped to handle the strain that comes with long hours in front of a screen. Additionally, good rest helps ensure your eyes are properly lubricated and reduces fatigue which can lead to blurred vision or headaches. Make sure to stick to a consistent bedtime routine and try not to be too active right before going to sleep as this can interfere with your natural circadian rhythm. Also, avoid looking at screens for at least an hour before bedtime as this will help reduce blue light exposure and allow your eyes to rest. 

9. Wear sunglasses: 

Sunglasses are often overlooked when it comes to protecting your eyes from digital device strain, but they can actually be quite helpful. Try to pick a pair that offer 100% UV protection and also blocks out high-energy visible (or blue) light. This will help reduce exposure to potentially damaging rays which can contribute to eyestrain over time. Additionally, wearing sunglasses outside will make it easier for you to adjust from bright sunlight back into dimly lit rooms which can cause strain if done too quickly or without proper shielding. As an added bonus, many stylish pairs of sunglasses come with polarizing lenses which reduce glare and reflections, making them ideal for working on digital devices in sunny conditions.

10. Be aware of your posture:

It’s important to be aware of your posture when working on digital devices. Make sure you’re seated comfortably in an ergonomic chair and adjust the height so that your screen is at eye level. This will help reduce neck and shoulder strain from looking down at the monitor for long periods of time. Additionally, try to keep your elbows close to your body and make sure there is no pressure on any nerve endings. This again helps prevent strain on the muscles of your upper body which can lead to tension headaches or blurred vision when overused. When possible, take breaks every 20 minutes or so to stand up, stretch, and move around a bit before sitting back down again. Doing this regularly will help reduce the risk of long-term strain from sitting in the same position for extended periods of time. 

Overall, taking care of your eyes when using digital devices is essential for reducing eyestrain and fatigue. By following simple practices like adjusting the distance from which you look at screens, getting an eye exam regularly, wearing sunglasses with UV protection and blue light-blocking lenses, getting enough sleep each night, and being aware of good posture while working on computers or phones can all help in protecting your vision over time. Taking these basic steps to reduce strain on your eyes will go a long way toward keeping them healthy now and into the future.