We take a look at a relatively older story in, BatmanGate. The story revolves around the legal battle between former DC artist and writer, Chris Wozniak and movie Producer, Michael Uslan. Mr. Wozniak claims that an unused Batman story idea that he had submitted to Mr. Uslan was the basis of the 2022 film, The Batman (directed by Matt Reeves and starring Robert Pattinson, Zoë Kravitz, and Paul Dano). We go over some of the details involved in this on going story.
We also take a trip down memory lane as we recall the 1997 outing of, Spawn (starring, Michael Jai White, John Leguizamo, and Martin Sheen). Honorable mention is made to the HBO animated Spawn series that ran for three seasons. And let’s not forget the comics label, Image comics, that brought us the character of Spawn to begin with.
Looking forward, we talk about the upcoming Deadpool 3 movie again. New story details have leaked and everyone is getting excited about it. Let’s just hope the current WGA and SAG strikes can be settle soon so that production can resume.
All of this and so much more!
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