The new year is starting off right for Vinegar Syndrome. Among their upcoming releases is the much in demand Little Darlings finally coming out. I don’t even think the film ever came out on DVD so this is a major release. The movie is about Tatum O’Neal (The Bad News Bears) and Kristie McNichol (Empty Nest) have a summer camp challenge to see who can get laid first. When it aired on network TV, the censors had the girls merely wanting to have a boy fall in love with them. Walter Hill’s Southern Comfort gets upgraded to 4K UHD. A group of National Guardsmen get lost in the Louisiana swamp and get into a tangle with the locals. You can now appreciate Andrew Laszlo’s cinematography in more detail. There’s also Forgotten Gialli Volume 6 with even more Italian mystery movies from the ’70s. Santet 1 & 2 is a double dose of Indonesian horror. Here’s the press release from Vinegar Syndrome:
Now, for the “official” New Release announcements:

Yesterday, we debuted the full January 2024 VS lineup, featuring Riccardo Freda’s gothic masterpiece, THE HORRIBLE DR. HICHCOCK on 4K UHD for the first time, newly and exclusively restored by VS and featuring an exclusive selection of new extras; FORGOTTEN GIALLI Vol. 6 has also hit, including brand new 4K restorations of DEATH CARRIES A CANE (on disc for the first time), plus THE BLOODSTAINED SHADOW and NAKED YOU DIE, at last presented in both its Italian and English cuts; finally, we’re dipping our feet into Indonesian horror, with SANTET 1 & 2, both starring the incredible Suzzanna and bursting with witches, black magic, eyeball hands, assorted gore, and musical numbers!

VS Ultra also presented its first release of the year with Walter Hill’s landmark survival thriller, SOUTHERN COMFORT, which we’re proudly presenting on UHD for the first time anywhere and jam-packed with a heaping helping of extras, both new and archival.

Last, but not least, we’re finally ready to announce and unveil our first Cinématographe release. When deciding which film would be best to launch the line, we mulled over many options, but finally concluded that director Ron Maxwell’s never-on-disc coming of age classic, LITTLE DARLINGS, would be the ideal title to showcase exactly the type of films to expect from Cinématographe. Starring Kristy McNichol, Tatum O’Neal and Matt Dillon, this beloved summer camp set blending of nostalgic comedy and poignant drama has never looked better thanks to our brand new 4K restoration of its camera negative. As with all Cinématographe releases, LITTLE DARLINGS comes packed in a beautiful and custom designed mediabook case. 2024 Subscribers can purchase it at 50% off SRP right now, just make sure you sign up for the Subscription before placing an order.