In A Gaming Rut? 6 Ways To Make Gaming More Fun In 2025

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You just finished your favorite game, and now nothing else compares. Or, maybe, you’re waiting for the release of a highly anticipated game, and all available games just look so dull. Or, maybe, the gaming rut you’re in seemingly came out of nowhere!

Whichever it is, you feel stuck and bored. Despite your love for video games, gaming just isn’t as fun as it used to be. But don’t you worry – it’s not that you can’t enjoy gaming anymore. You just need to switch things up a little! Here are 6 ways you can make gaming fun again in 2025.

1. Try Some Funky Indie Games

One of the best ways of resetting your expectations and getting out of that dreaded funk can be playing something very different. Indie games often don’t boast the 4K 3D graphics that many popular games produced by big studios do, but what they lack in sophistication they make up for in originality and charm.

We specifically recommend looking into quirky titles like Guinea Pig Parkour, Bucket Detective, and Wuppo. You won’t regret it – but if you do, you’ll feel a renewed love for your standard go-to games.

2. Explore Different Gaming Platforms and Devices

Maybe it isn’t gaming itself, or the specific games you’re playing that you’re tired of. Maybe it’s how you’re gaming. Many of us have established a favorite gaming setup, and never stop to try any other way. But what can you do? Buying a new console is expensive, and though a VR set looks great, your wallet is still a bit too thin to justify it.

Worry not!  You’ve forgotten the easiest way to switch up your gaming – just play on your mobile! “You get all the features and benefits of a desktop casino coupled with the convenience of playing on the go,” writes Lewis Mitchell, Cardplayer’s iGaming expert. Although Lewis is talking specifically about iGaming, many other games are also best enjoyed through your mobile device.

Some of the best mobile games include the idle type of games where you need to check on the game every few hours to collect your cash, resources, and other rewards. May we suggest Forest Island to start you off? It’s available on both iOS and Android!

3. Play With New Friends – Or Strangers

Having a regular gang to game with is great, but sometimes you can all get a bit tired of each other. That first guy that always rushes in, that second guy that never does, that third guy who always piggybacks off of everyone else… You know how it is. Even if it’s your best friends we’re talking about, it can get tiring, and make every game you try out feel the same.

If you’re tired of the old dynamics, invite some new friends to play with you. If you don’t know any other people who enjoy gaming, you can always join a team of strangers online. You might even meet some new people who become part of your regular group!

4. Take a Break When You Need One

Gaming is supposed to be fun, and everyone knows it. Yet it’s easy to feel like you have to keep playing when you’re not making progress fast enough, or that you need to collect rewards every single day in order not to miss out. But in reality, that isn’t the case. You don’t need to do anything. If you’re feeling tired of everything, you may simply need a break. So take one!

A break is usually most effective if you use it to do something completely different, so to keep sitting in front of the screen isn’t always the best move. Buying and building that Lego set you’ve been thinking about, taking a slow walk outside, or cooking something (even if you normally never do) can all be great ways to rejuvenate you. Another idea is forbidding yourself from gaming for a few days. When you realize you’re not allowed to game (yet), you may even start to crave and miss it.

5. Engage With the Community

One of the best ways of remembering how much you love something? Talking about it with others who really get it. If you live in (or anywhere near) a decent-sized city, you could look up gaming groups and meetups for the coming weekend.

Even if you’re used to chatting with others who love gaming online, meeting them in real life can make a big difference in how you feel. It may feel awkward at first if you’ve never done anything like it before, but don’t knock it until you’ve tried it! You might find it’s well worth the effort.

6. Replay Your Old Favorites

For many of us, gaming started with the world of Mario, Sonic the Hedgehog, and other charming classics. Why not go back to the start with one of the now retro 2D games?

Chances are you’ll both enjoy playing these nostalgic games and remember why you started to love gaming in the first place. Although comparatively simple, there is a good reason these games are timeless favorites. Bonus points if you’ve got a small cousin or younger sibling to play with – seeing the childlike joy in others can be contagious (even if you sometimes have to let them win to keep them from tears.)

Not only is it fun to relive your first gaming experiences, but you’ll get a renewed appreciation for the cutting-edge mechanisms and beautiful graphics of today when you dive back in.

What to Do When Nothing Is Working

If you’ve tried all the tips above and still feel discouraged at the thought of picking up one of your favorite games, chances are you’re emotionally exhausted. Do you feel stuck in a rut in general, and not just in regards to gaming?

It’s important to take some time to figure out why you’re feeling the way you are, and not to blame yourself for not enjoying the things you usually do. The best thing you can do is let go of all unnecessary expectations and accept the way you’re feeling at this moment.

Even if you love gaming, it’s important to remember that you need to take care of yourself before anything else. Once you feel better, you can focus on your favorite games once again.