[NEWS] Big Brother: 'Til Death Do You Part News And Cast Pics


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Big Brother is always looking to add some big twists and turns when it premieres each summer, but even more needed to come about from this year’s debut in February.

Sixteen new houseguests enter the Big Brother house for the first non-summer edition of the show. The twist this season is that all 16 (yes, the biggest number of competitors ever) houseguests are single… and the producers have paired them with a potential love-match in the house. What if they don’t get along? Well that’s too bad as they are going to have to compete with their partner in everything – HOH decisions, food competitions, and yes, evictions as well. We can’t wait for the backstabbing, late-night strategizing, and hookups to start!

Cast Pictures

Big Brother 9 premieres Tuesday, February 12 on CBS at 9PM EST.