Bret Hart On Test, Death In Wrestling


Bret Hart talks about the death of Andrew “Test” Martin, and the larger issue of wrestlers abusing pain medication, in a video interview with Chris Smith at the U.K. Mirror.

While Bret thinks that WWE runs its wrestlers in to the ground, he doesn’t think Vince McMahon deserves the blame and is policing the abuse of perscription pain medicine as well as he can. Specifically, he doesn’t see how Test could have been stopped from killing himself short of putting him in a straight jacket. He does think that the current crop of wrestlers are turning the corner in reaction (or revulsion) to so many of these deaths, even if he expects more names from a “shortlist” of wrestlers to die in the near future.

In a lighter note, he also reminsces about Owen and his famous ribs on the boys, relating a story about getting Mr. Fuji to come down to the lobby of a hotel room in a kimono with a prank call.