2 Broke Girls Episode 1-4 Review: And the Rich People Problem

Reviews, Shows

The problem with multi-cam sitcoms and, more prominently, CBS sitcoms is that they get tied down to one location. For 2 Broke Girls, that location is the restaurant. This wouldn’t be the biggest problem if the restaurant setting was good in any way, but it’s not. The restaurant is there to throw around stereotype jokes, from Han, Oleg, Earl, or the various customers. Even Max and Caroline are pretty bad in the setting with their snarky one-liners. Nothing has happened at the restaurant that provides a semblance of characterization. Nothing. Han likes karaoke, Oleg is creepy, Earl… points things out–so what?

Like the previous three episodes, the fun parts of the episode lie in the second half, when Max and Caroline aren’t at the restaurant. They visit Caroline’s old home where Max discovers the wonders of rich people. She gets to immerse herself in the world for one moment, realizing what Caroline had. It’s also not depressing when they leave, because they make off with a whole bunch of clothes, and I’m assuming the cash total will shoot up next week.

Score: 8.4/10

"The TV Obsessed" is a person who watches lots TV and reviews every episodes. This results in the occasional lack of sleep and English mistakes. Check out the full site http://th3tvobsessed.blogspot.com/ or follow me on twitter