The Legion #18 Review


Reviewer: Jesse Baker
Story Title: N/A

Written by: Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning
Penciled by: Alejandro Barrionuevo
Inked by: Andy Lanning and Simon Coleby
Colored by: Jason Wright
Lettered by: Comicraft
Editor: Stephen Wacker
Publisher: DC Comics

Quick Synopsis: Ra’s Al Ghul survives his little crash with the floating platform and frees his horde of clone bodies upon Legion World to distract from his goal of kidnapping Shikari and forcing her to lead him to the Legion’s teleportation chamber. On his heels is Mon-El and Gates, both with a grudge against the Demon’s Head. In the end, Ra’s surrenders and agrees to save Sensor’s life.

Good: This issue features Gates, who gets in some good lines about his grudge against Ra’s Al Ghul for using his species as test subjects for genetic experimentations and how Ra’s still has it in for him over how he maimed one of Ra’s clones when he was captured by Ra’s.

Bad: Ra’s surrender is pretty much a cop-out ending, but one of necessity as it keeps Ra’s in the picture yet removes him from play so that DC can trot Darkseid into the book as the next “Big Bad” for the Legion to fight.

Ugly: Sensor’s new form, She’s now got an albino human upper torso complete with arms and hair while retaining her snake body. A somewhat decent compromise but still one that didn’t really need to be made as Jeckie is not as screwed up as Wildfire…