24 – Recap – 2:00AM – 3:00AM


Palmer is back and so is the excitement. It looks like Jack gets into some hot water tonight.

Check back at 9PM Eastern for live coverage of 24.

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Hey everyone things are about to get started but before it does I just wanted to hit the mailbag. The hot topic of debate is what happened to Mitch Anderson? Last week two emailers reported to me that Mitch was shot down. This week another emailer came up with another posibility, which ties in very well with 24 philosophy.

Enrique Petraitis writes:
Mitch Anderson isn’t dead. Remember before he shot down AFO he told
Marwan that everyone had to think he was dead. He probably bailed
before the stealth was shot down. Either he escaped or he’ll show up
before the season ends. I think he’ll just escape.

I am starting to lean to agreeing with Enrique but that may be due to sentiment as I want Mitch to make a dramatic comeback into the show.

Murtz, Rob and I are here playing some video game hockey in preparation for another installment of 24.

Rob is all over the Mitch Anderson being alive scenario.

Murtz: We need a f*cking good episode.

Previously on:

Murtz: Romo’s favourite part of the show.

Romo: no!

Rob: I want some more Edgar vigilantism.

Murtz raves about Marwan’s speech.

Murtz: It will be a sad day in 24 when Marwan dies. I will shed more tears for him then if Bauer died.

Rob and Murtz discuss the lame way they brought Palmer back in the show.

Romo: I thought Palmer would be busy with all his stupid phone company ads.


Palmer arrives at the White House. Palmer finds out that Logan is in the underground bunker.

Palmer is greeted by Mike. Palmer asks about President Keeler.

Romo: So it takes 3 men to run America.

Murtz: This is why I argue for a dictatorship.

Logan tells Palmer about the mistakes he has made and how he isn’t ready for the power being thrust upon him. Logan tells Palmer about the nuclear weapon, which is an S weapon, one of the most powerful.

He asks Palmer to help him find it. Palmer will be dealing directly with Bill at CTU.

Rob: That would be great if we never saw that guy (Logan) again this series.

Logan is going to be working on the morning statement.

Murtz: That is hilarious!

Palmer and Mike Novak discuss his betrayal while Palmer was in office. He offers to leave. Palmer tells him to let bygones be bygones.

Romo: What the hell is a bygone?


Palmer gets down to it and starts to get on the plans to get the warhead.

Back in LA. Chloe talks to CTU about what she sees on the computer.

She is telling Jack about some emails. She passes them along to Jack. He asks her how she is doing, she says she is not used to the idea of killing someone.

Romo: I hate her so much.

Edgar finds out the email comes from a Chinese national.

Romo: Oh, now the Chinese are bad.

Murtz: Yeah offend as many races as possible.


Audrey checks in on Paul, they are gonna transfer him. She tells Paul she is gonna stay with him during his recovery.

Murtz: He looks like an F-ed up John Mayer.

Jack comes in and talks to Paul. He thanks him for saving his life. Paul is not feeling well. Bill knocks on the door, Jack leaves.

Jack and Bill talk about the Chinese guy who happens to have taken refuge in the Chinese consulate.

Rob: Charge the consulate, do a little Belgrade action on the consulate.

Palmer talks to Jack and tells him he is going to the consulate and wants Jack to escort him back. The man’s name is Lee.


Edgar is getting the info Chloe sent him.

Rob: He will f*ck it up.

Marwan’s speech plays on the computer, it must have been in an email. Bill and Michelle now assume that the warhead will go off before dawn as Marwan says in his speech.


Break time.

Rob: That was fantastic!


Palmer discusses with the Chinese consulate head who offers help. He tells him about Mr. Lee and they want to take him into custody. The consular wants to help but he can’t hand him over without going through channels. Palmer tells him to remember that co-operation will be regarded as an act of friendship which will be rewarded. The Consular says he will call him back.


Almeida talks to Michelle about getting the warhead.


Michelle picks up the phone and it’s a female looking for Tony.

Romo: It’s the girl!!

Michelle asks her who she is. She says she has been living with Tony. Michelle hands the phone to Almeida saying it’s the girl he is living with.

Almeida pulls her aside to explain and he tells her how after she left his life fell apart and Jenn was there for him. She asks if he loves her. He shakes his head.


Edgar interrupts to talk to Michelle.

Rob: Shut up you sweaty piece of shit.

Edgar tries to console Chloe. She says she is not feeling anything about killing the guy and is worried she is some psycho.


Rob: That is the 7 best minutes of this show.

Bill tells Palmer about Marwan’s message and how the warhead will be detonated before dawn.

Palmer talks to Koo from the Consulate. He tells him that there is no time the Premiere to debate. Palmer tells him the bomb is going to go off in 2 hours. Koo says the Premiere is going to get back to him in 2-3 hours but he thinks it should be a favourable decision.

Palmer tells Novak the deal. He says what should we do?


They show Bauer.

Palmer tells Jack they are not going to release Lee early enough. Palmer tells Jack no one connected the govt can be tied to this. If he is caught he will be tried in a Chinese court.

Jack and Curtis are getting ready to go in.

Jack tells Tony to get him satellite coverage. He tells Tony he is the only one at CTU who can know and no record of it can be taken.

Jack tells Curtis, “Let’s suit up.”


break time

Murtz: This has been fantastic.

Rob: Michelle”¦Crushed.


Jack calls Tony who gives him a map and the infared.

Rob: this guy put his wife in her place and got the schematics of the Chinese embassy in all of ten minutes.

Jack tells Curtis that he is going in alone. There are 2 other CTUers with Curtis who are gonna stay outside.

Romo: This is gonna be good.

Rob: Yeah!!


Jack is breaking into the building. He is trying to jam the alarms. Jack is all in black with the robbers mask on.

Jack opens a window and Tony tells him to stop, there is a guy there as per infrared.

Jack enters and see a couple of guards. Tony tells him where the guards are so he can avoid them.

Jack sees a guard and what looks like Lee.

Jack climbs up a balcony and is on an upper color. He shoots a guard with a tranq gun. He hoost another guy.

Jack enters the room two unarmed guys and he knocks them out and takes Lee. Jack is being chased by several guards.

He calls for the van.

The van rolls up

Jack is running through the building. Its dark and they starts shooting but missed.

Rob: I think they shot the guy.
The guards shot another Chinese guy who gets in the way.


Jack gets in the van and tells him that Lee has been shot in the back. No exit wound.

They are 15 mins out from CTU.

Rob: But they got there in 5.

The translator tries to talk to Lee

Jack is injecting him with something to calm him down.

Audrey tells Paul that the FAA has authorized them to fly on a medical transport. Audrey caresses Paul’s cheek.

Romo: He won’t be as good in bed as Jack.

Audrey gets a call and over her shoulder his heart beat is going down.

Romo: Oh he’s dying!

Audrey calls for help.

Rob: That serves you right for going to his side.

The doctor says there is some blood surrounding the heart. They need to clear it out.


break time.

After an ad for Kingdom of Heaven.

Rob: Its time for Orlando Bloom to disappear of the face of the earth.


Jack tells the translator to talk to Lee about Marwan. He knows where Marwan is but he will only tell him if he agrees to his turn. He fears that Marwan will kill him. Jack tells him that he will not be prosecuted and he will be brought to the Chinese consulate for his safety.

Lee wants it in writing from the President. Jack tells him he doesn’t have time for it.

Jack gets a call from Palmer. He tells Palmer about the written guarantee.

Rob: Someone has to get the President out of the boardroom.

Jack tells Palmer they have to get him what he wants. Palmer says he will get the guarantee from Logan.

Mike comes to Palmer and tells him the Chinese are on the line. He tells Novak to get the written guarantee from Logan.


Palmer picks up the phone. Mr. Su tells him that the Consul is dead, that he was shot when armed men came into the consulate.

Palmer denies he knew anything about the attack. Mr. Su is pissed, he assures him there will be an investigation.

Novak says Logan agrees to give Lee a guarantee. Palmer tells Logan about the consular being shot.


Bill asks Tony about Lee being shot. Tony tells him about the White House authorizing the assault. Tony tells him the operation needed to be off the books.

Bill is pissed that he was kept out of the loop. He tells Tony that he doesn’t work for Jack but he works for me. Bill says he didn’t think Tony should be reinstated. Tony thinks this is because of something else. Bill says he is lying.

Rob: He is speaking the truth.

Murtz: Lee is gonna die.

Lee is not doing well. He is cold. Jack tries to revive him but its not working.


break time


The doctors work on Paul.

Jack rushes in with Lee in a gurney. He rushes into the room and orders the doctor to help. The doctor refuses, he is busy with Paul. Jack pulls a gun on him. He tells him that if he walks away from Paul he will die.

Jack orders him to work on Lee.

Rob: I have to stand and applaud that.


The doctor starts to work on Lee. Audrey starts to yell at Jack he tells her that he has his orders. He is still pointing his gun at the doctor. He orders someone to take her out of the room. She is yelling and screaming.

Paul starts to crash. Curtis is doing CPR on him. Jack pulls out the defibrillator and. CLEAR..he zaps him. Jack zaps him. No response.

The doctor tells him to give him a shot of Epinephrine.

Murtz: It’s over.

Curtis puts the needle in the IV. Jack starts compressing his chest. No response.

Curtis tells Jack to stop, that he is dead. Jack keeps going.

Audrey starts to cry.

The doctors continue to work on Lee.

Audrey screams at him and call him an SOB. She says she hates him

Rob: F@#$ You!

The doctors continue to work on Lee. Jack asks if he is gonna make it. The doctor says he is doing the best he can.

Rob: it would be hilarious if he died too.


Final Comments

Murtz: I am trying to think of the best play that parallels this remarkable episode of 24. There were shades of many, a dash of Romeo and Juliet, a tad of Merchant of Venice and sprinkle in a little Tempest to effect. Ultimately though, I have decided that this episode bears resemblance to only two people. Othello and Bodgan Grigoras.

Rob: I don’t know where to begin exactly. What was demonstrated is that not only is Audrey useless she is the most selfish character we have seen in a long, long while. If I were Goitre-Face (Secretary Heller) I would invent a time machine, travel back before she was born and have a vasectomy as soon as possible. Also it is unfortunate they used the Epinephrine as I feel Edgar might need it soon after a chicken wing induced heart attack.

Romo: This show had a lot of highlights. Jack’s assault on the consulate was one for the ages. But my boy Tony Almeida comes through with so many highlights that he easily showed why he truly is God. First off Tony got to use the jealousy card on Michelle when his girlfriend calls. Michelle now eagerly wants to get Tony alone and rip his clothes off before he can go home to his girlfriend. He then shows loyalty to Jack over the dumbass Bill, who is just jealous he has none of the sexual charisma Almeida possesses. In closing, Almeida Son!