More Reasons Why Being Deaf Sucks/Rocks

Down With DualDisc

So when Extraordinary Machine was finally released, I had to choose between picking up the regular version and the DualDisc version. Since I’m a huge Fiona fan, I opted for the latter.

This kind of surprised me because just a little over a year ago I made the following statement about DualDiscs

Um, am I the only guy here who appreciates the artwork on the disc? Sure some are boring, but I enjoy Gang Starr’s “record” motif. Digable Planets’ “Blowout Comb” also had a cool design. And does anyone remember when Hiero releases had the “three eye” logo on the discs? I’m against dual discs for that reason. It’s bad enough we don’t have the quality of album art that was present when records roamed the Earth, but now they are attempting to get rid of even more art?

I’m again’ it.

That was then. Now, my stance has softened significantly.

A few months ago I picked up Jim Jones’ Harlem: Diary of a Summer, which was a DualDisc. Since it was the only way the album was being offered I didn’t really have a choice. I also haven’t gone out of my way to access the DVD content, because I’m not really that interested (I’ve got to believe that if you’ve seen one Jim Jones video, you’ve seen them all.)

However as I pointed out I actively sought out the DualDisc version of Extraordinary Machine. I really wanted that bonus content. The live performances were a treat and the video for Not About Love was pretty entertaining. One day I hope to have my surround sound hooked up so that I can experience the album in enhanced stereo.

So there you have it; I may have jumped the gun on condemning DualDisc as a technology.

My Nutty Dream

Last Thursday night I had the craziest dream I’ve had in quite some time.

So here’s the apparent back-story. I guess in the dream reality I went to college with Eve and I guess we kind of “talked” back then. But I never sealed the deal because I thought that we were “just friends” and I didn’t want to lose the friendship.

Anyway Eve came to visit me and caught up on old times. I guess success has made Eve more assertive because she made some pretty aggressive moves to show her interest in me. Afterwards I was in a state of shock, I couldn’t figure out what had happened. She then explained that she’d had a crush on me in college and she wished I’d made a move on her back then. And then she “didn’t have sex” with me, in the Clintonian sense.

I remember consciously not wanting to get my hopes up for the prospect of a relationship because she was a celebrity and I’m a slacker. I remember my heart sinking when she mentioned that she and a boyfriend had tried to conceive. I was content knowing that the feeling had been reciprocated but then she inquired what our future held. I distinctly recall saying “this is the definition of ‘bittersweet”. I also remember being in an embrace while talking about how while it was great to have this door opened, it also sucked because we’d squandered years because of fear.

And then I woke up. But the nutty thing is that I don’t really dig Eve like that. She’s alright, but I don’t think she’s quite the type of female who should be getting past the velvet rope and into my dreams. I don’t even know how she got there; the music playing while I slept was Fiona Apple and Ryan Adams, I don’t even own an Eve album.

Furthermore, we didn’t go to college together. But that’s what made the dream so nutty. It felt so real. I actually felt those emotions and a sense of loss when I realized it was a dream. All of those feelings felt so genuine.

And all of Friday I was in a haze because the dream “reality” had seemed so real that I could seemingly recall it by will.

What a trip.


Mike Eagle explains why I don’t download music and also why I don’t buy every album that comes out.

Gloomchen laments the losing touch with an artist.

DP gives us the lowdown on Mopevision.

KDP continues to blow my mind.

Jeff has some disturbing Beanie Sigel news and caused me to smile by referencing Candyman.

Shawn still has a bad arm, which sucks for me because he’s my partner in the IP Trans-zone Basketball Tourney.

Aaron shares wedding gifts and proves that illiteracy is still a problem, but only if you can’t read his column.

Prison Break

Ian explains how Michael Jackson is still beloved across the pond.

Phil gets props for giving Jeru his. He also delves into other Gangstarr associates.

Five Songs I Can’t Get Enough of Right Now

1. Ryan Adams & Norah Jones – Dear John
2. Fiona Apple – O’ Sailor (either version)
3. Juelz Santana – Mic Check
4. Percy Miracles – Dance Floor
5. Jim Jones – Dear Summer (freestyle)