Marvel News & Views


I start every column…

To make it seem more engaging


Like a hollywood blockbuster

…but without George Lucas…

Welcome to:

Hey all – welcome to another addition of Marvel News & Views! I am your host of hosts, the venerable James Hatton. Now before we get into Marvel – let me address me for a moment. I know that some of you, because of prior pimping have gone and checked out my webcomic In His Likeness. Well, guess what kids”¦ it’s time for me to pimp something else.

The Nexus webcomic columnist (when he gets around to it) Bill Ellis and I have started up a new project. As a matter of fact, we’ve started our own studio. The first outing of DROP FORK STUDIOS in the world of growth is The Silver Rage. A webcomic about the world of comic book retailing.

It updates every Wednesday. You should check it out then send me some feedback. Okay, now it’s time to get to the news.

Although it has NOT been official announced, an anonymous source has revealed a juicy bit of news…

It’s unknown when Mike Deodato will be leaving, but the Nexus has it on good authority that the next artist of Amazing Spider-Man is going to be none other than RON GARNEY.

Garney has a long line of Marvel titles under his belt, including Amazing Spider-Man, Incredible Hulk, Silver Surfer, and GI Joe. So to see him back at the fold at Marvel is definately a nice thing to hear.

More on this story as it breaks…..

(Courtesy of Newsarama)

I love what Brubaker has done in his short stint at Marvel. His Captain America has been lauded as the best Cap stories of the era. Now he’s taken on the X-Men post House of M with Deadly Genesis. In this interview over at Newsarama, Brubaker tells us more than we really wanted to know about the series.

This includes what was happening in that first scene with the astronauts, and the probable identity of the shadowed attacker at the end of the first issue.

Sadly, it ruins lots. I read the interview and can tell you that I’m now looking forward to the story even MORE, but not as much as if I had never read it in the first place.

So go read it if you like that kinda thing – don’t if you want to be surprised by it like the rest of the world. Hopefully, maybe, there are more secrets to reveal… I reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaly hope there are.

(Courtesy of Newsarama)

Well it should come as no surprise that the first issue sold out. Both covers. So Marvel has given us a new one that features one of the most forgotten characters ever in Marvel history.

It’s not a baaaaaad cover. It is what it is. Wolvie. Standing. Burning. Pissed. Pretty much par for the course for the ol’ canuckle head. It does little for me, since the other one was so much neater and zombified. I don’t buy variant covers – so this has a ‘meh’ score of ‘whatever’.

(Courtesy of Newsarama)

…that includes Paul Jenkins. The newest in grabs from the House of Ideas, and writer of the amazingly good Generation M.

It’s very obvious the direction he’s going to take The Pulse if you did read Gen M. His new newspaper reporter (whose name completely eludes me) is fantastically similar in attitude to Bendis’ Jessica Jones, but complete with her own flaws and problems. (and none of that superpower)

So Jenkins now is owned by the big M and there we go. If his output continues to be as good, then the next generation of longstanding Marvel writers is going to possibly bring us back into an era where everybody on the internet shuts up and enjoys solid books.

(Courtesy of Newsarama)

Well the pencil sketches of New Avengers #16 have hit Jinxworld, Bendis’ forum home away from home, and it predicts one thing…. PAAAAINNNN!!!

For Alpha Flight that is.

It predicts the END of Alpha Flight. Which is probably completely untrue and Marveltalk for ‘Avengers beat them up’. I have to address the folks at both Newsarama Forum and even us here at Inside Pulse’s forums who have been sitting there and winging a tad bit about the ‘death of Alpha Flight’:

CHILL THE ‘F’ OUT! Anyone who has had an inkling of love for Alpha Flight feel they can now just get up and jump up and down and scream NOOOOOOO because now Bendis is hitting ‘their’ favorite. Alpha Flight ver 2. (The Stephen Seagle era) was probably one of my favorite batch of comics ever written, but this is all just a segue to see if Alpha Flight can draw some numbers.

I promise you, if this book sells well, expect Alpha Flight (or another version of them) to charge in and go after the Avengers. I promise you though, it’s NOT the forever end of the flight (a team that can’t seem to get a book that lasts longer than a year and a half).

(Courtesy of Newsarama)

Off of Stephen King’s website:

“Stephen and Marvel have decided to push back the launch of the Dark Tower comic books to 2007. ‘Given the size of the project and all the creative talent involved, I want to give the Marvel series all the room to breathe it needs and deserves,’ said Stephen. ‘I’ve got so much else going on in 2006 – two novels coming out, CELL and LISEY’S STORY, and the work with John Mellencamp on ‘Ghost Brothers of Darkland County.’ The Marvel series is going to be a blast, and I want to have the time to enjoy it.’

“The 1st issue of the yet-to-be-named first arc of the Dark Tower comic series will be shipping in February 2007. The last issue of this six-issue series will be shipping in July 2007. The first hardcover collection will be shipping in October 2007.”

Okay.. so it’s delayed. Like we aren’t used to this from comics. Not a huge deal, and I would like to believe that because they are doing this, the book will come out regularly when it starts. I don’t mind waiting. I just mind waiting, and then finding out that every single issue is going to be three months apart.

So if they realized that’s what was going on… fine. If it was so they could get two runs of hype on this… eh, I guess that’s fine too.

(Courtesy of Comic Book Resources)

/// Spider-Man 3

Who is that? I don’t know either! She will though be in Spider-Man 3! What part she will play? Who knows, but she’s a cutie.. so let’s hope it’s ‘sexy naked girl who runs through the movie randomly for no apparent reason’. This has been the misogynistic HIT OF THE WEEK!.

/// Ultimate Avengers Cartoon

Justin Gross has done an interview over at Comics Continuum talking about his role in the Avengers cartoon as Captain America. Doing a little research, Justin has done voices in a bunch of things that you might or might not heard – the most notable on the recent side of things is Ryu, head badass ninja of the Ninja Gaiden videogame.

/// X-Men 3

By the time this column reaches the mass populace – the X-Men 3 trailer will be viewable… go here to check it out. We’ll have more on the breakdown and nuances of it next week.


EXILES #73 – The Exiles are in the New Universe and someone is dead… well once again, Bedard shows a love of all of Marvel’s nuances and the cannon he’s building for his Exiles is growing. Next month is Mojoverse revisited, and we get our new Exile. This book remains fun and although I know very little about the New Universe, it kinda makes me want to go look around the dollar bins…. DAMN YOU TONY BEDARD!

GENERATION M #1 – Jenkins has arrived on the scene of House of M, and if the rest of the story goes like this… I am goign to love it. Albeit, next issue I’ll have to hold onto Danielle while she cries into my arms. Jubilee. Yeah. I know.

NEW AVENGERS #13 – Ronin is revealed! Who is it? One of the most unlikely choices ever in a fairly obscure Daredevil character of the last few years. It leads to some interesting storytelling, and bringing this character into the spotlight for a bit, but I still seem to believe that the old choice was Daredevil… meh, whatever – the book is still damn enjoyable, even if it is starting to tale off.

WOLVERINE #36 – Who is this guy and how come he is in so many books? Well in this book they start with how he remembers everything. I have faith that this could turn out to be awesome… but I also realize that every Wolverine Origin story has had the sheen of ‘meh.. whatever.. it’ll be retconned later’. I’m pulling for you Daniel Way!

X-MEN #178 – Milligan gets the House of M angle of dealing with them inside the mansion and handling all of the Sentinals. Sadly it feels as if this title should be going on before all of the other books. I guess somebody has to feel that way, ah well.

There is nothing else… it’s all gone….

Well that ends another fine trip through the newsworld of Marvel. Remember to go check the forums for the continuing list of 198 mutants. I haven’t touched it in a week, but I’m going to be sitting down with as many comics as I possibly can and updating the few new folks that have been revealed later this week.

Until then, make yours Me!