[RAW] House Show Results from February 25, 2006 in Manila


Thanks to Michael316 for sending in the following:

At a house show here at the Araneta Coliseum in Manila,
Eugene d. Snitsky (comedy match)
Lita & Torrie d. Trish and Maria with special referee Val Venis
(Overzealous Maria tags herself in and gets pinned by Lita in the
corner using the ropes. Spot where a catfight rolls over the referee
is used.)
RVD d. Tyson Tomko (squash)
Mick Foley d. Carlito (A comedy match and the finish was Socko Claw
causing Carlito to spit out his apple.)
Shelton Benjamin d. Viscera
Ric Flair and Big Show d. HHH and Chris Masters (Figure-4 on Masters)
Suprise was a lesser version of the Greenvile tribute with Trish,
Maria, Viscera and Venis leading the crowd to sing a happy birthday to
Flair… and Maria, complete with cake.
John Cena d. Edge (A cage match where Lita costs Edge the belt by
missing John Cena and doing a hurracanrana on her man. This was
followed by by F-U’s on Lita then Edge.)

If you attend any WWE TV tapings or house shows and want to send in a report, please do so. My email address can be found above by clicking on my name, or by heading over to the “Inside Pulse Staff” page on the top right.

Matthew Michaels is editor emeritus of Pulse Wrestling, and has been since the site launched.