Grey's Anatomy – Recap – 2-22


What You May Have Missed!!

Meredith has issues with her mother and father.

She also had sex with George and he won’t talk to her.

Meanwhile, George finds a new woman maybe.

On with the show!

Grey’s Anatomy – Season Two (Episode 22) – “The Name of the Game”

We open up with some March Madness action! Meredith talks about how a basketball game can you keep everyone on the edge of their seats. We see people watching a game at the bar. But Meredith is there as well. She’s knitting. What?! Here comes Derek and the bartender. They say she can’t knit in a bar. She looks a little weird. She tells Derek that she is celibate now. No more men for her! And that means no alcohol, since it clouds her mind and leads to sex. So she is knitting instead and knitting is good for her surgeon hands. Derek can’t believe it and here comes Addison. She can’t believe it either. But Meredith says that every man she meets is either married or Mark or George. Derek understands why she is knitting a sweater now. She continues to talk about social games and the mind games you play with yourself to distract you from reality.

That leads to Izzie talking about “broken George”. She is talking to Dennis about how George is not the same anymore because of Meredith. She then makes fun of Callie, George’s new “woman”. Izzie says that she is George’s best friend. A little jealousy maybe? Meanwhile, Denny is beating her in Scrabble. Wait..she is knitting a sweater as well. And here the whole thing is solved. Izzie and Meredith took a vow of celibacy. Meredith can’t knit at all, so Izzie knits a new sweater and replaces it with Meredith’s “sweater”. That way Meredith can really believe that she is knitting a sweater, because knitting takes the place of sex and Izzie is sure that Meredith doesn’t need to have sex right now. Denny can only think about getting into Izzie’s pants, though.

Time for Cristina’s game. She and Burke vs. George and Callie. They have to give clues to their partners and the partners have to guess what they are talking about. George and Callie are winning since Burke doesn’t know who Madonna is.

Cristina is back at the hospital now and Izzie calls her a sore loser. Cristina tells Izzie and Meredith that the point of games is that there are winners. Izzie and Meredith are knitting, of course. You want the very best surgeon operating on you. You don’t want second-best as that is mediocre. Cristina says she needs to get George out of her apartment.

Meredith: “You know you could sleep with him and then right in the middle..start crying. It’s painful, humiliating, and unbelievably cruel, but apparently it works.”

Cristina tells them that Burke has to kick George out..not her. She just has to figure out how to make it his idea.

Alex and Burke operate on a woman with throat cancer now. Burke calls Alex insensitive when he comments that the patient is “toast”. Burke says that bed-side manner is part of the job and he needs to learn that quick.

Derek and Addison talk about how the dog is sick.

Cristina is taking a class on something. And here comes Dr. Webber. She is shocked to see him here, but he says it’s a good refresher course. It will be fun. Cristina is the first to volunteer to help in the class, though.

A pregnant woman gets checked by Addison. She is having some problems. Her mom wants Addison to take care of things, because they said that Addison was the best. Addison says she will do everything she can.

George walks out to find a man. He asks about Meredith and if she is working. Oh..wait..George knows who this is. It’s Meredith’s dad, Thatcher Grey! And that woman and daughter are his new wife and other daughter. George is shocked. This could be trouble!

Roll opening theme!!

We come back and Derek asks Bailey if there is an extra intern for his next surgery. She wants the job. Derek says he wanted an intern. Bailey says she wants to be back in surgery. Dr. Webber is mad at her for having a baby or so she says. She finally convinces Derek to make her his intern.

Meredith and Izzie chat about George and how he had a date. Izzie thinks that Callie may be hiding something from George. Meredith doesn’t care since George said that she was out of his life. And here comes Callie. She wants them to help her with something. That should be fun.

Burke and Alex talk to the patient they operated on. Alex tries to be more sensitive. They say that they can’t completely fix her. She wants them to go back in and cut out everything that they can, so she can buy as much time as she can. Burke was saying something, but here comes her teenage daughter and it’s time for Alex and Burke to leave.

Cristina is back in class and doing well. Better than Dr. Webber is. HA! Cristina is competitive! She is the first one done and gloats about it to the rest of the class!

Callie, Izzie, and Meredith help with a chiropractic patient. Izzie tries to find out some things about Callie, since she is George’s best friend. Callie makes a crack directed at Meredith saying that Izzie didn’t do the best of job playing matchmaker before with George.

Izzie finds George and wants them to hang out more. She wants to talk about Callie as well. She wants to know if he likes Callie? George says that he can’t escape her. Izzie thought he was talking about Callie and was relieved, since she doesn’t like Callie. He was talking about Meredith, though. And then he drops the bomb on her that Meredith has a sister. She is shocked. George says that it’s Izzie’s problem to tell Meredith now.

Bailey and Derek are operating on a boy. He has a tumor. He has to be awake for the surgery, though. Bailey doesn’t know about this. We head for a break!

We come back and still in the same surgery. Derek wants the boy to talk to him. He’s in the 7th grade. He’s a spelling bee champion as well. Bailey gets him to spell some words. Interesting.

George bumps into Addison. George tells Addison the whole story about the pregnant girl that happens to be Meredith’s sister. Addison is a little stunned by the news as well. George thinks that God hates him as he can’t escape Meredith no matter what does. He is assigned to Meredith’s sister, but Addison gives him the okay to leave this assignment.

The woman with the throat cancer wants to leave and be with her daughter. Alex tries to “help” by saying that she might “drop dead” out of the outside. It works to get her to stay, but Burke gets on Alex’s case about that. He should never use that tone of voice with a patient.

Izzie, George, and Cristina talk about Meredith’s sister. They think she will freak out when she finds out. George says it’s not his job to care about Meredith anymore. Dr. Webber interrupts them. He tries to talk to them for a bit, but that’s a little weird. So he leaves. Once he’s gone..Cristina gloats to the others about beating the chief. Here comes Meredith to fill his empty seat. Cue for George to leave. Not his responsibility anymore. Meredith says she can handle rejection..she has her knitting. Meredith says she thought she saw her father earlier. Cristina thinks she ACTUALLY did see him and asks if Meredith saw her sister. Of course, Meredith has no clue what she is talking about as Izzie gives Cristina the evil eye!

Back to the spelling bee champ and more words. Uh oh..something goes wrong and it appears they have hit the part of his brain where language is stored. That could be trouble as we go to a break!

We come back to the spelling bee boy again. He tries to spell the same word over and over again, but can’t. Bailey tells him not be scared. Derek fixes things now and he spells the word right. Bailey is crying. She says it’s just her hormones that is doing it. She tells Derek to stop looking at her like that.

Dr. Webber and Cristina are back in class. They get ready to compete again.

Meredith sees her sister and her stepmother. Addison is there and almost mentions Meredith’s last name, but doesn’t. Meredith will be taking care of her sister now. Meredith starts to ask about her life without letting her know that she is her sister. She is 22. And it looks like there is another sister. She is in medical school at Harvard. Meredith’s dad is extremely proud of her older sister. This causes Meredith to leave.

And she goes to smash some things with a mallet! But she’s not freaking out! Izzie and Callie casually talk about George as Meredith destroys a cast. Izzie wants to know if George is Callie’s type? Callie thinks the world of George. He’s sweet and kind. She’s really into him. In fact, Izzie says that George is Callie’s “McDreamy”!

Back to Webber and Cristina. The chief is done first and he is excited! He goes to rub it into Cristina’s face! “That’s why I’m the chief!” HA!

Now to Alex and the woman with the throat cancer. She continues to lie to her daughter about her problems. Alex wants to know if she will continue to do this. The mother says she is trying to protect her daughter. Alex says that she is lying and by doing so..her daughter will hate her for the rest of her life. Burke overhears this and grabs him out of there. He confronts him about what he said, but Alex says he’s talking now. He says he tells the truth to patients. That’s what he does. He may be a pig or an ass like people say he is, but he tells the truth and Burke can’t take that away from him. Time for a break!

We come back to see Meredith bump into her stepmother. Wait..she knows who Meredith is. She says that Meredith looks like her other daughters. Meredith says she didn’t tell her sister anything, but her stepmother says that she knows. She knows that her father was married before and had another daughter. Meredith’s stepmother knows she made a mistake there and tries to correct it by saying that Meredith’s father has another daughter, but Meredith said she was right the first time. Her dad stopped being her father a long time ago. Her stepmother says that Meredith’s dad thinks about Meredith all the’s just that Meredith’s mother is broken. Meredith leaves.

Thatcher Grey and Dr. Webber talk now. Dr. Webber asks Thatcher if he knows what is going on. He thinks Webber is talking about Meredith’s mother, but Webber was talking about Meredith. Dr. Webber says that Meredith’s mother has Alzheimers and it hurts Meredith. He just thought that he should know.

The surgery is over with the spelling bee champ. Bailey says the tumor was taken out successful. Bailey tells him that she has a son too and she is going home to tell him that she met the “best speller in Seattle today”.

Thatcher and George bump into each other. Meredith is around the corner as she sees her father around the corner. George sees her hiding before he gets there. She overhears their conversation. Thatcher knows that George is a friend. George says that he used to be a roommate and knows her pretty well. Thatcher said that Meredith came to see her a couple of weeks ago. He didn’t know what to say. Meredith’s mother never let Thatcher get to know Meredith after he left and now he doesn’t know how to know Meredith. He says that Meredith’s mother was “cold”.

George: “Meredith is anything but cold. She smiles not that often, but when she know..because she’s going through a’s like you feel warm..she’s kind. She can be a little selfish. She’s flawed, but she’s kind. She cares about people and she cares about her patients. I think she’s going to be a brilliant surgeon. Around here..she’s known as the one to beat. So she gets that from her mom. But the rest of her..I think she gets that from you.”

George tells Thatcher that he doesn’t know where she is. Thatcher leaves and George leaves. Meredith tells George “thank you” as he walks away. He says nothing. Time for one last break!

We come back to see another surgery that Derek and Meredith are lookin at. Meredith is knitting. Both had hard days. Meredith tells him that seeing her father was hard for her. But she is okay with it. She has her knitting. Right.

The mother with the throat cancer talks to her daughter. She starts telling her daughter things about what she needs to do in the future. Advice for the future. The daughter doesn’t get it at first, but begins to understand. Finally, the mother tells her that she is dying. Alex overhears all of this. She tells her daughter to not be sad for too long. Everything will be okay.

Now it’s time for Meredith to talk. “Life is not a spectator sport. Win, loss or draw..the game is in progress..whether we want it to be.” We see Denny and Izzie. Izzie knitted him a sweater. She tells him to smell it. He does and it smells like Izzie. She says that will be the closest he will get to her body for awhile.

Now Webber and Cristina talk about the competition. Cristina says that Webber was not even looking when he won. She is amazed. He learned it a long time ago. He tells her to “go back to the basics”.

That is what she does as she is back home now. She walks into the kitchen..NAKED! In front of Burke and George. Burke is shocked by this. George says he didn’t see anything. But Burke tells George to leave NOW! He does and it looks like Cristina has got her apartment back. “So go ahead argue with the refs, change the rules, cheat a little, take a break, and tend to your wounds…

We see George trying to call Callie..maybe. He hears the phone ringing off in the distance in the hospital, though. He goes to see where it’s coming from. …But! George finds Callie in a far off part of the hospital. She living at the hospital. She is not crazy..she just thought it would be easier this way. She is here all the time anyways. George doesn’t care. He just wants to cut his hair again. And she cuts it off for him. Play loose and free. And George and Callie kiss for the first time.

Play as if there is no tomorrow. Now we see Meredith..waiting to see her dog. She is still knitting. Here comes the veterinarian and he’s handsome man. can where this is going. She goes back to knitting.’s not whether you win or’s how you play the game..right?

And we are out for a few weeks it seems. The end of April..I believe! See you then!

I'm not embarrassed to say that my favorite television show of all-time is The O.C. I live by the motto "you can't fight fate!" More importantly, I watch WAY too much television, but I do so for the benefit of everyone reading this now. So to my mom and my wife, I say thanks for reading! To everyone else that might stumble across this, remember TiVo should be your best friend!