Big Brother 7 Recap – Week 6 Episode 3


As I type this it is early Friday afternoon (I usually get these recaps done on Thursday night)so let’s get right into the recap.

Kaysar says that he wasn’t surprised to be nominated. He’s still planning to give it his all to stay in the game but he knows that his time is running out. James thinks that since they can’t get rid of Janelle, Kaysar is the best secondary target.

Kaysar tries to get Erika to vote for him to stay. While she likes Kaysar, she is obviously worried about putting herself at risk to help him. She says she hasn’t decided what she is going to do but from Kaysar reaction it seems clear that, at least in his mind, he’s not getting any help from Erika.

Kaysar tries talking to George. George says a lot of complimentary things about Kaysar but he’s not willing to commit his support (refuses to tell Kaysar how he will vote).

Next on Kaysar’s bargaining list is Boogie. Kaysar encourages Boogie to keep him in the game and to go with an S6/Chilltown alliance to get rid of the floaters. In the DR room Mike reveals that he and Will are in a win/win situation so they are just sitting back and seeing who is offering what.

Talking with Janelle, Kaysar says he has both her and Howie’s votes; he thinks George will vote for him so now he just needs to get Chilltown’s backing.

Julie talks to the houseguests next. She asks the six members who participated in the veto competition if they were shocked by all the prizes that were taken. James, Will and Mike say they were not while Marcellas, Janelle and Danielle have the opposite opinion.

We close the discussion with the shocking revelations that Danielle was upset while in solitary confinement and George isn’t sure if he can make it to the end or not while on slop.


A segment on the mom’s of Chilltown airs now. Will’s mom Judy says that even as a child, Will was always plotting things. She adds that he was shy but he always had girlfriends. So goes on to say that Will’s flirting with Janelle is completely strategic on his part and that she wishes Howie would keep his hands off of her boy. She thinks that Will and Boogie have what it takes to go all the way in the competition.

Mike’s mom Bonnie had Mike when she was 19 and raised him alone. Apparently Mike was a bit on the chubby side as a kid and it wasn’t until he joined speed skating at 14 that he lost the excess weight. Bonnie suspects that Mike is in a secret alliance with Erika which will be revealed somewhere down the line. She thinks Boogie and Will enjoy being evil and she says she’s proud to be one of the moms of Chilltown.

Danielle is in the HoH room to talk with Julie. Danielle says she asked Erika to let her win the HoH competition because if she figures if she is going to be eliminated at some point she should go out swinging. The only person she feels she can trust right now is James though she was hurt when he took the phone call from home. She apologizes to her family for not taking the call herself.

It is almost time for the live eviction vote but first we get the standard pre-eviction thoughts. Will, Howie, George and Janelle give comments that suggest they are leaning towards voting James out, Marcellas gives a pro James comment, Erika seems torn and Mike is just happy nobody from Chilltown is going home.

James and Kaysar are now given a chance to plead their case one last time. James thanks America for voting him into the house, thanks the houseguests and then urges them to vote for whatever is best for them. Kaysar also thanks America (you know, seeing as the voting was on the Internet and there’s at least two countries that see the American version of Big Brother (I’m in Canada) perhaps they should be broadening their thanks on this one). He says he has tried to be honest and play the best game he could; he thinks he earned the respect of some people in the house, but not all. He urges the houseguests to vote for whoever they think is best.

Just before we go to commercial, Julie instructs James to go to the DR to reveal which vote he is going to nullify. He ends up choosing Janelle’s vote, which seems like a pretty smart pick.


And now it is time for the live vote. There are seven houseguests voting but only six of those count (with Janelle’s nullified vote) so in the event of a tie, it’ll be up to Danielle to cast the deciding vote.

First is Marcellas; he votes to evict Kaysar. Howie seems torn on his vote. He takes a moment to wish Kaysar a happy birthday and then votes to evict James. Erika is all somber with her vote to evict Kaysar. Janelle’s nullified vote is for James to go. When Will comes into the DR, he says he got a signal from Boogie which he thinks means they are voting to evict Kaysar, so he casts his vote to evict Kaysar. George also votes to evict Kaysar, meaning Kaysar is officially the next evicted houseguest (though Julie doesn’t say so). Boogie comes in and casts the final vote, also to evict Kaysar.

The vote is revealed, Kaysar does the standard round of hugs and makes his way out of the house. Everyone inside seems kind of mopey after Kaysar’s departure.

After wishing Kaysar a happy birthday, Julie asks him if it was hard to be up on the block with James. Kaysar said it was. James had a falling out with the alliance last year and Kaysar wanted to make sure things were cool between them this year.

Julie follows this up by revealing James was part of the Legion of Doom and she goes on to detail some of the things James has said about Janelle while trying to get her out of the house.

Kaysar seems hurt by this revelation. He says he just isn’t cut out for Big Brother. He tried to play the game honestly; he played for the team but not all of his team did the same.

We get a selection of messages to Kaysar next. Erika is crying and says she doesn’t think she would have wanted to be in the house if he hadn’t been there. Janelle commends Kaysar for being 100% loyal to their alliance; she hopes to still be able to take out the floaters with Howie and James’ help. Boogie says Kaysar should have gotten in with Chilltown sooner. Will tells Kaysar that he warned him James would betray them and now he has stabbed you in the back. James says he couldn’t sit back and watch Janelle destroy their alliance. They had four weeks of chances and every time they stabbed James in the back (a bit melodramatic much?).

Kaysar reiterates that he’s not cut out for this game. He tried to get his team to stick together but there were just too many daggers aimed at his back and he couldn’t avoid them all (I’m kind of wondering if his frustration here is including Janelle’s run as HoH, with her deal cutting and all).


According to Julie over the past twenty-four hours, the Big Brother house has been ‘haunted’ by the ghosts of seasons past and we see the accompanying footage. Erika is eating in the kitchen when a ghostly red reflection of Alison’s face appears on one of the mirrors for a second. She freaks out a bit and the house gathers. Will jokes that it was probably a slop fueled hallucination.

Janelle is the next person to see one of the red reflections, while in one of the bedrooms. She screams a lot when she sees Ali’s face.

We then get a montage of various people stealing things from the Big Brother house with a spectral effect on them to make them look ghost-like.

This leads in to a Big Brother All-Stars séance, hosted by the HoH, Danielle. After some lame chanting and the like, we get the various former houseguests appearing on the screen. Bunky talks about the spider named after him; Alison implies certain things on Erika and Janelle are fake; Josh says Marcellas’ robe is smelly; Holly has stolen a devil duck and pages Dr. Delicious; Cappy’s took the giant black knight chess piece and makes use of his S6 catchphrase, ‘Lights out, bitches’ and finally a chicken (probably not actually from Big Brother 1, but a replacement) has George’s necklaces around its neck.

This leads into the HoH competition where the houseguests have to guess true or false in relation to things the ghosts stole or said. Those who guess wrong are eliminated as usual but in a twist on the usual formula, if everyone gets it right then the slowest to give an answer is eliminated (thus doing away with the need for writing a number on a chalkboard as a tie-breaker at the end).

Statement 1: The devil duck was stolen by Alison: False.
Everyone gets this right but George was the slowest to answer so he is gone.

Statement 2: Holly paged Dr. Delicious: True.
Everybody’s correct again but Marcellas was slowest this time.

Statement 3: Bunky was sure Will could teat snakebites: False.
Janelle answered ‘True’ so she is eliminated.

Statement 4: Eric stole the black knight: True.
When Howie hit the button on this one, apparently he didn’t do it correctly because his answer doesn’t register. Julie prompts him to answer again which he does but by this point he’s the last person by quite a few seconds so he’s out.

Statement 5: Josh loved Danielle like he loved bagels: True.
Will is the only one to get this one wrong.

Statement 6 (Erika, Boogie and James remain): The necklace the chicken stole belonged to Janelle: False.
Mike was slowest on the draw so he’s gone.

Statement 7: Bunky revealed himself before Holly:
Erika hit the button the quickest so she’s the new HoH.

As we go to commercial this time we learned that next Thursday is ‘prom night’ and we are urged to go to to vote for class clown, most annoying, best looking ‘and more’.


Julie then implores the viewers to text message in who they want to be the prom king or queen. She says that this award will be important because it will give the houseguest a distinct advantage in the next HoH competition.

We then get an explanation of the Coup d’Etat. The houseguests will be competing for it over the next week. Whoever wins the competition will have the power to overthrow the current HoH and put two new nominees up on the block just before voting begins on the next three eviction nights. The Coup d’Etat winner will also be the only one aware of what power he or she has won until it is used.

Julie goes on to explain the competition to the houseguests (without mentioning the power of course). Over the course of the next week various clues will be given that pertain to a phrase associated with Big Brother. They may make their guess in the privacy of the Diary Room and the first person to guess correctly wins the power. They only get one guess each however so they are urged to use caution.

The winner of the competition will find out that they have won and what power they have gained on next Thursday’s show (presumably before the eviction).

The first clue is awaiting the houseguests in the house. It’s a lamb. James and Howie pet the lamb but then it makes a not very happy sound and James runs off. Howie keeps petting it however as we end the show.