Deal or No Deal – That's the ULTIMATE Question for People Who are Lucky and Want to Act Crazy on TV


What makes Deal or No Deal the most-watched show on NBC? Yes, you heard me right. NBC is SAVED by this reality TV game show. It’s not My Name is Earl or The Office. It’s not even Law & Order or ER. It’s a game show that involves no skill. You just have to be lucky.

Actually, NBC would like for you to think of Deal or No Deal as the “ULTIMATE game of risk, timing, and luck”, but you get the picture. Players just pick numbers and hope they pick right. That’s all. They also have to decide when enough money is enough. That can be hard when you have 26 women to choose from and they are all so dang cute!

But what makes the show tick is the players themselves. Every person who is on the show, male or female, act so incredibly nuts. They make fools of themselves to be honest. I think that’s the point. That’s what NBC wants. They want people to act crazy, so that we can laugh at them or jump up and down and root for them. Who knows, if I was winning money by just picking numbers, I might be doing cartwheels and backflips and yelling at the top of my lungs and crying and jumping up and down and whatever else I can think of to “express myself” and stand out in the crowd.

Howie Mandell is the host and he has OCD or something and he can’t shake hands. He’s afraid of the germs, so he pounds fists with the players. Of course, he pushes the players along and keeps them picking numbers when they probably should stop, but that’s the point of the game. Howie is just as crazy as the players on the show, so it’s a match made in heaven!

Another thing I love about this show is the audience. They are encouraged to scream and help the players decide whether they should take the deal or not! I’m just waiting for them to “BOOO!” the models when they open up their cases and it’s a high number. That would be funny! Like the models can change the numbers inside by the way they act. Just another crazy part of the game.

I still don’t know why this so is addicting, but I watch it and about 15 million others watch it as well. Having the show three times a week is probably a little too much, but it brings in the ratings and NBC needs all the help it can get before some of their new shows break away and carry the network out of 4th place. For now, it’s crazy Howie with 26 crazily beautiful women and his crazy cousins, who appear on the show!

Sir Linksalot: Deal or No Deal

I'm not embarrassed to say that my favorite television show of all-time is The O.C. I live by the motto "you can't fight fate!" More importantly, I watch WAY too much television, but I do so for the benefit of everyone reading this now. So to my mom and my wife, I say thanks for reading! To everyone else that might stumble across this, remember TiVo should be your best friend!